WTF are you listening to?

No one here will listen to this, but this is FINE FINE music, made by the whitest person on earth (Paul Simon) interpreting African spearchucker music and making a fucking sweet song I'm obsessed with. Kindly fuck off, and give me no repartee.

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No one here will listen to this, but this is FINE FINE music, made by the whitest person on earth (Paul Simon) interpreting African spearchucker music and making a fucking sweet song I'm obsessed with. Kindly fuck off, and give me no repartee.
Dude I'd put Graceland in my top 25 album list no problem.
That album makes no sense until you're at least in your mid-20s.

(....though for a moment back when I was eleven or so, I thought "You Can Call Me Al" was the greatest song I'd ever heard)
I loved that shit when I was 8. In fact I think Bakithi's backward bass solo inspired me toward said lower direction later in life.
mystery project alert !!!!!


Sigrid Sheie, John Cobbett, Mike Scheidt, Aesop Dekker.