WTF Babymetal?!

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Maybe to you they were, I have standards though.
Other than the vocals on Instinctus what was so bad about them? I mean, if you're going to praise latter day Darkthrone to the moon and back, then declare that your standards are too high for the last couple of Gorgoroth albums? Give me a break.
Other than the vocals on Instinctus what was so bad about them? I mean, if you're going to praise latter day Darkthrone to the moon and back, then declare that your standards are too high for the last couple of Gorgoroth albums? Give me a break.

Gorgoroth has sucked massive balls for over a decade.

I doubt even the band themselves would deny this, they just keep making that pussy shit because they know dumb retarded cunts will keep buying it.
Gorgoroth has sucked massive balls for over a decade.

I doubt even the band themselves would deny this, they just keep making that pussy shit because they know dumb retarded cunts will keep buying it.
I won't deny the majority of their 2000's output was farcical and garbage. The last two have been a huge turn-around though, thanks to Infernus being in control of his band and the absence of the atrocious vocals and creative dominance of the pants-shitting retard that is Gaahl, plus King ov Hell. You dismissing it all as "pussy shit" solely consumed by "dumb retarded cunts" is absurd given the marked creative upgrade experienced since Infernus got the band under his control again. Did the vocals of Instinctus suck? Sure. But everything else, particularly the guitar work? It's top notch.
The band is a lost cause of wimpy overproduced black metal. Gaahl should have turned it into a combination of anal sex loving disco pop and boring Scandinavian black metal.
Japan is a weird culture, from their rape fetish porn to selling cum stained girls panties in vending machines, they are whack. I can only imagine Babymetal comes from their fetishizing underage girls. Be patient in a couple of years the girls will be 18 and they will fizzle out into obscurity or replaced with the next teenage fad.
The band is a lost cause of wimpy overproduced black metal. Gaahl should have turned it into a combination of anal sex loving disco pop and boring Scandinavian black metal.
Overproduced, I can see that, wimpy, not so much. Gaahl should've blown his hacky brains out of his dense skull.
Listen to this utter shite, it's embarrassing.

Vocals and production seem embarrassing, the guitar, drums, and general arrangement, are, in a musical sense, great. If they'd recorded it with a better vocalist, say, Pest, and muddled the production a little to make it lo-fi, it wouldn't be anything to laugh at.
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The riffs are gay. But even if they were good, guess what? The vocals and production sucks anus hairs as you even admit, so why are you defending it?
Wow. Insightful critique. The riffs are "gay". I'm defending it because the rest of the album, beyond those aspects of vocals and production, is good.
Because vocals and production are mere afterthoughts? Get a clue.
They're anything but after thoughts, but same goes for the guitars, compositional structure, etc. And you're critiquing vocals? Take a long, hard listen to some of those new Darkthrone tracks with Fenriz on vocals.
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I think Babymetal should do collaborations with Darkthrone and Gorgoroth, that'd be awesome
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