WTF Babymetal?!

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I always thought Fenriz wrote the vast majority of Darkthone's material? Also on Transilvanian Hunger, wasn't Nocturno's only contribution the vocals and some lyrics?

Nocturno Culto is cooler anyway and above these criticisms H.P Lovecraft is throwing around.
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I always thought Fenriz wrote the vast majority of Darkthone's material?

According to the band, since The Cult Is Alive, they write roughly 50/50. It says so in the CD booklets too.


For example, something like "Eyes Burst At Dawn" is a Culto track. That's part of the reason why I like modern Darkthrone so much, from track to track both musician's intentions are so different.
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I'd be afraid for you if you did. I pretty much don't like most black metal that is appreciated around here, for example: In The Nightside Eclipse.

I don't think In the Nightside Eclipse is that well liked around here. Ever since Old Wainds mentioned some voting this board did for the best death metal albums, I located the rest of the threads for other genres. This was the result for top 10 black metal and it didn't make it.

Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger
Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Burzum Filosofem
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun
Darkthrone A Blaze In the Northern Sky
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane
Immortal Pure Holocaust
Enslaved Vikingligr veldi
Master's Hammer Ritual

How many of these do you like?
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