WTF (question about deadhouse and dogs)


vic firth 2b
Apr 24, 2008
when the quiet part with the dolphins crying comes, my dog starts to cry too... he does it every time. what the fuck? i dont think it hurts his ears or something, it looks like it actually makes him sad. makes sense?:ill:

edit: check with your dogs!!!
oh you reminded me, my dog does the same thing in the beginning of demigod by behemoth, lol. in the fade in part before the drums kick in
thats why i said check with your dogs... i dnt give a shit aout cats
My two dogs don't really care about music I guess. I've tried to make them listen to music through headphones but they just run away.

...ok I lied, I have two cats.

lol, like when i try to get my dog to talk to someone on the phone, or when i try to put on him a hat/sunglasses