WTF? Tell me this is a joke...


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
but Steel Prophet just screwed themselves. I just read in a Spanish website that Pete Skermetta (guitar), Kevin Cafferty (drums) and Vince Dennis (bass):yow: are OUT! The substitutes are Tim Thomas (NEW EDEN, guitar), Glenn Cannon (HELLION, bass) and Gene McEwen (STEIGER, drums). The new line-up will play The Whisky A Go Go (Hollywood, California) onDecember 19th.

To confirm this is straight from the SP website:



October 17th 2004

* New line-up:
Pete, Kevin and Vince has left the band, and the new line-up, (besides Steve and Nadir of course), consists of:

Tim Thomas - guitars - from "New Eden"
Glenn Cannon - bass - from "Hellion"
Gene McEwen - drums - from "Project Steiger"

The new line-up is ready to kick some serious butt in the future, and first official gig will be the Whisky A Gogo gig
I can understand Pete and Kevin, SP change guitar and drums like I change underwear, but Vince:OMG: . The guy along with Steve Kachinsky (should call him now Dave Mustaine Jr?, pseudo-Yngwie Malmsteen?) was the only original member of the band.
To me is devastating, more after the brilliant path that "Beware" brought to the band. Frankly no matter how good Nadir look, now without Rick and Denis (and Kevin and John Pons, or Pete, or Jim Williams), to me SP is dead. :erk:

P.S. Pabla tell me this is ain't true! :cry:
I know this is kind of off the subject but does anyone know Nadir's nationality? I heard somewhere that he's Lebanese, I was just curious because I'm Lebanese. :p


The song Leatherette fucking rules.
How Steve could kick out Vince Dennis I never understand. He was there from the beginning! I have seen SP twice and Vince ruled on stage. He seemed like a real nice person too.

I don't know what the hell is going on in the Steel Prophet camp. I do know that I disagreed with Steven when he kicked out Rick Mythiasin and after that started to badmouth him and telling people Rick was gay and *that* had something to do with Rick being kicked out. How low can you go?? :(

Anyway I don't have any hope for SP at the moment. As a fan I got their latest album, but I am NOT impressed with it. :erk:

I had hopes they would build on the combination of US power and the progressive style they had on Messiah. Nope no such luck. Because of that, for me, "Book of the dead" was already a disapointment.

I will be interesting to see where the band is going, but I am not optimistic.
Yeah, I read that Steve was saying that Rick was worried about Aliens coming to abduct him or some shit like that. Even if it's true, that's kind of unprofessional to be saying that stuff in the Metal Press.

And it is pretty odd that he dumped out Vince as well. What the Hell could've been his problem with a bass player that stuck with him through thick and thin? Pretty sad...
People chill out :D it's all OK...there are several things you need to understand before you jump to conclusions. I will post what I know tomorrow morning.
For starters Vince and Steve are still the best of friends, Vince needed some time off as he has to deal with personal stuff and I am sure he will be back soon, as for Cafferty & Skermetta they are all very much best buds...they have their shit going on to...
off work, gotta go!
I hope you're right (God bless your pink soul), because after "Beware" (and like JP mentioned the great 'Leatherette'), this kind of news felt like liquid helium over my willy.
OK...well here is a statement posted by Steve:

Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to tell you about the line up change a bit. There were no problems whatsoever with Vince, Pete and Kevin. Each of the guys just needed to tend to their own business; home life, jobs, etc. and there are NO hard feelings on either side. Those guys are in the Steel Prophet Hall of Fame. True Honorary Metal Bros!
The new guys; Glenn, Gene and Tim are all excellent players that SMOKE! Great guys with great attitudes and great chops! I'm loving playing with these guys, let's hope everyone will be able to stay with it. See you all for the 'unveiling' at the Whiskey on December 18th.


And to back this up I ran into Steve and Vince recently who were indeed hanging out together and looked to be the best of buds. So you see, nobody here kicked anybody out or had any problems with each other. I am sure that Vince will be back for the next album etc., he is as much a part of SP as Steve is :)
Hawk said:
How Steve could kick out Vince Dennis I never understand. He was there from the beginning! I have seen SP twice and Vince ruled on stage. He seemed like a real nice person too.

I don't know what the hell is going on in the Steel Prophet camp. I do know that I disagreed with Steven when he kicked out Rick Mythiasin and after that started to badmouth him and telling people Rick was gay and *that* had something to do with Rick being kicked out. How low can you go?? :(

Anyway I don't have any hope for SP at the moment. As a fan I got their latest album, but I am NOT impressed with it. :erk:

I had hopes they would build on the combination of US power and the progressive style they had on Messiah. Nope no such luck. Because of that, for me, "Book of the dead" was already a disapointment.

I will be interesting to see where the band is going, but I am not optimistic.

(See response above) and yes they are indeed VERY nice guys! I asked them about Rick and we had a lengthy discussion on this... basically it got to the point where it was not fun to work together anymore, and Rick had some personal issues that were very much interfering with his work with the band... so he wasn't really kicked out, they more or less agreed that he was leaving. As to Steve "bad mouthing" Rick, well that wasn't very well done of him... but to his defense he was just joking, trying to "lighten" things up as he got asked so much about Rick leaving the band etc...

I agree that Beware is VERY different from all their previous releases, but if you give it a chance it will grow on you! My personal fav is Dark Hallucinations ;)
Jean-Pierre said:
I know this is kind of off the subject but does anyone know Nadir's nationality? I heard somewhere that he's Lebanese, I was just curious because I'm Lebanese. :p


The song Leatherette fucking rules.

If I am not mistaken he is Mexican or of some Spanish origin.
Leatherette is my 2nd favorite... my fav is "Transfusion Vamp" :heh:
Pabla said:
If I am not mistaken he is Mexican or of some Spanish origin.
Leatherette is my 2nd favorite... my fav is "Transfusion Vamp" :heh:
Pabla said:
I agree that Beware is VERY different from all their previous releases, but if you give it a chance it will grow on you! My personal fav is Dark Hallucinations ;)
Yes Nadir is from Latin origin. As for "Beware" i must disagree with Hawk and support Pabla, the album is damn good, much better than its predecessor, along the lines of "Book Of The Dead" and "Dark Hallucinations" IMO.

I do prefer 'Leatherette' over 'Transfusion Vamp', and as for my preferred albums are "Into The Void (hallucinogenic conception)" and "Messiah".