A friend told me once that there are tomato/onion people and mushroom/olive people, and the more I pay attention the more true it becomes. It's pretty weird.
I don't like raw tomatoes, but I like them sliced on a pizza or sun dried. Bad news on my own tomato front. My tomato plants had a shit load of little green baby tomatoes on it, but some rabbit ate every god damn one of them. :( They had to have eaten 30! I guess my dreams of margareta pizza will have to be made with the tainted tomatoes.

For me mushrooms are great and so are onions, but olives suck.
Shpongled said:
A friend told me once that there are tomato/onion people and mushroom/olive people, and the more I pay attention the more true it becomes. It's pretty weird.
I love onions and mushrooms (especially onions) but can't stand tomatoes or olives.
For you, at least.

I can eat any variety of mushrooms in a million different dishes, I love them. When I was a kid we used to collect wild ones and make risotto pretty often.