X50 v2.0

Updated yesterday. Seems to work fine, although for some reason it doesn't carry over the settings when copying from one channel to another. This is in Logic Pro X, on OS X 10.8.5. Besides that, amazing update!!
The duplicate track option in LPX seems to be working fine here with copying over one's X50 2.3 settings to the new track. Please send an email to support@tseaudio.com detailing the issue.

Jeff for TSE Audio
great plugin! I'm so happy it has a dual IR loader now. I can now only use the X50 for guitar tones rather than using another IR after it. Can't wait until you add more amps to it! By far the best 5150 plugin. Do you guys think its far behind the Axe FX in it's modelling? I'd love a comparison.
great plugin! I'm so happy it has a dual IR loader now. I can now only use the X50 for guitar tones rather than using another IR after it. Can't wait until you add more amps to it! By far the best 5150 plugin. Do you guys think its far behind the Axe FX in it's modelling? I'd love a comparison.

I've been putting the newest update through the ringer for days.. X50 2.3... well.... let's just say the sinking feeling of "oh man, it sucks not having a real 5150 to mic up; just have to make an ITB sim work and live with it" has totally been flipped.

this is the best ITB high-gain sim to ever be released, IMO...

not only does it sound fucking incredible; the GUI is gorgeous but also, it 'feels' unlike any plugin I have as far as the UI, controls, how things are added and moved around. it feels very expensive and high-end; very hard to verbalize what it's like getting tones with this thing.. in the best possible way.

like having a CRT moni for years and then getting a 24" LCD... like WHOA.

highly, highly recommend everyone demo this.

I bow down to John and the unimaginable amount of blood, sweat and tears he's put into this plug-in. Bravo my friend, bravo. :notworthy
^Huge +1!

This plug has actually made me question myself in terms of: "do I actually need to reamp anymore". I honestly have started getting better tones through this than through a miced amp. Have not tried it in all mixes yet, but its a game changer.
^Huge +1!

This plug has actually made me question myself in terms of: "do I actually need to reamp anymore". I honestly have started getting better tones through this than through a miced amp. Have not tried it in all mixes yet, but its a game changer.

and another +1 to literally your sentiments, feelings and thoughts...

I've been using real amps / reamping for years and years; never releasing an album using sims for my main rhythm tone(s) but as you said, in the past, the tones I preferred and used 95% of the time on records all involved a 5150 / Mesa Cab (varvious mics and techniques).

Feels good man. Haha.
great plugin! I'm so happy it has a dual IR loader now. I can now only use the X50 for guitar tones rather than using another IR after it. Can't wait until you add more amps to it! By far the best 5150 plugin. Do you guys think its far behind the Axe FX in it's modelling? I'd love a comparison.

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any idea?

The plugin doesnt show in the list when i try to load it in the fx rack
Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one with this problem! :D

Thanks for reporting, please contact us with CPU and OS info at support@tseaudio.com, then we also get to know where to send the test version for you to confirm that it's working on your end when we have a possible fix for this ready. We can't reproduce it in our "lair" so any of your help is much appreciated :)

Thanks for reporting, please contact us with CPU and OS info at support@tseaudio.com, then we also get to know where to send the test version for you to confirm that it's working on your end when we have a possible fix for this ready. We can't reproduce it in our "lair" so any of your help is much appreciated :)


I actually reported this on tseaudio.com already, my email's alphdee@hotmail.com.
just so you know
I have installed it on my laptop successfully in 64 bit.
AND I have been experiencing problems with other 64-bit VSTs on my main desktop so maybe the problem is on my end.
just so you know
I have installed it on my laptop successfully in 64 bit.
AND I have been experiencing problems with other 64-bit VSTs on my main desktop so maybe the problem is on my end.

I had the same issue with some new plugins. Turns out the latest Microsoft SDK doesn't like either newer CPUs or chipsets. (Hard to determine which one.) Developers need to revert to a previous one to fix the issue. I don't think people are going to want to downgrade their computers.