X50 v2.0

This plugin has changed the way I've been tracking guitars lately; Just stick it on a stereo bus and track DIs routed to a single instance per rhythm gtr pair - stupid easy. Can't wait for some more amp models :).
John Redline4's IRs are really good. I'd love to see them included.

There's gonna be some happy folks around here :D

Totally OT question John, did something happen to your YT channel?
Can't seem to find it as I was browsing for a video called ''Pitch Shifting guitar as a bass substitute in Reaper''.. at least I think it was yours?

Maybe I'm imagining things haha, my bad if I'm mistaken
Totally OT question John, did something happen to your YT channel?
Can't seem to find it as I was browsing for a video called ''Pitch Shifting guitar as a bass substitute in Reaper''.. at least I think it was yours?

Maybe I'm imagining things haha, my bad if I'm mistaken

I think you are imagining things ;) or at least mistaking me for someone else :D
Must have been someone using your plugins then haha ;)

*Ah, I was looking for Fearcomplexmusic actually haha, also a poster here. He changed his channel's name and the title of the video.
Back OT then :D
I know I'm way late to this party, but I just got a chance to play with this tonight.

That tone sound fantastic, do you mind if we try to recreate it for a factory preset to include with the upcoming preset manager?
You will be credited of course :)
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Brian, what guitar and pickups are you using?
Sound massive.

this is my friend's band haha
the guitar is a Mayones with a bkp juggernaut set. here is a pic

mjgg6: We are in the final testing phase of v2.4 which contains the new preset manager, a new version of X30, as well as additional cabs and enhancements. Look for it soon.
mva801: We've been supporting Pro Tools AAX for a few months now.

Jeff Pelosi
I fucking LOVE this amp sim, but I'm having some apparently random crashes in Reaper 4.77.
At first it seemed to happen when I loaded many instances (5 or 6), but now it looks like some kind of conflict with some other plugin. The crash report doesn't look very helpful. It only says that x50 module crashed.
If I can recreate the bug successfully I'll get back to you you guys!