Yeah, I'm fucking bored..wanna fight about it?

I wear nothing but glasses. And nowadays that all the news is going crazy about fungus you get from contact solution, BOY HOWDY am I glad.

Plus I'm wayyyyy hawt, yeah
Dick Sirloin said:
ME TOO! I was just thinking that tonight, I've been wearing mine a lot more lately. I look studious
it'S pretty new in my case, I was used to wear contact lenses for the last 8 years but last month I got an eye disease (keratite in french) and couldn't wear them anymore, so I bought new glasses and got them like last week. I'm not dissapointed, I might just stop wearing lenses at all and stay with the glasses. I look studious too, with a little sportive touch (Nike glasses hehe), girls like it.
It always suprises me how many people have fucked up vision. What were you all doing in the womb, staring too closely at the inner workings of mommy dearest's hormona lisa?
Mine's 40/20 in one, 30/20 in the other, but 40/20 is just bad enough to legally require vision correction when driving.

but it's more convenient to always wear them, eyes have to adjust too much if i switch between them.