Yeah....I'm slow, SO WHAT!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I just passed throught and saw this forum.....

"OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOD!!!!" :headbang:

how long has this been here?!
it's totally excellent to have a Devy forum here at the UM!

it's like being part of a family, I think I'll call this my new home.....

Oh, I do have a point....i'm such a jackass.....looking forward to seeing you at ProgPower 3.0 Devy!


the forum is here since a while , not that long but a little while. i pushed hard to get this forum here and now its here , well i am still on UM (i wouldent probally be around much if it wouldent be of that forum , even tough its pretty calm) so its always good to have new people around , maybe it will give a little more life to this place.
Originally posted by Demonspell
No need to apologize...I was completely oblivious of Devin's genius until hearing Stagnant, then a few other songs from Terria that just blew me away. The rest is history...

Same here... "Stagnant" hooked me... thanks to your recommendation.
Yeah, I just listened to Terria completely for the first time...I'm hooked. I am glad I got Ocean Machine, Inifinity, and Physicist as well. I'll be busy for the next few weeks... :)

I also can't wait to see Devy at ProgPower! :D