Yesterday's Haul


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Dissection- Where Dead Angels Lie

Well I have everything else by dissection so I thought, "What the hell." and got this MCD. Not bad, just four new songs. But all in all, worth the $8 I spent on it.

Suidakra- Emprise to Avalon

I want to shake the person's hand who suggested Suidakra to me. This is simply brilliant. And with two other Suidakra releases in the mail probably today, I couldn't be happier.

Primordial- Storm Before Calm

What a disappointment. After the 2000 Album of the year, Spirit the Earth Aflame, we get this sad excuse for a follow up. Newbies to Primordial, start with A Journey's End or Spirit the Earth Aflame. And I had such high expectations. I think I'm gonna cry.
Well, my big fault is that I compare Storm Before Calm with SPirit the Earth Aflame. SBC doesn't hold a candle to StEA. There are only 7 songs on the CD, all are pretty long. It's just that no song really caught my interest. THere is no signature song like "The Burning Season" on StEA. Production is a little weaker too. The singer uses the black metal vocals a lot more than on StEA.

SBC sounds more like the debut Imrama. It is more black metal than pagan metal.

Just now picked up the latest Suidakra myself, and I must say its lived up to my expections! I've been a Suidakra fan for a while, and this doesn't disappoint!

If you like this one, definitely pick up their older albums. I also know a few bands that sound just as good:

Mithotyn (RIP)

Give 'em a shot!

Yes, this new Suidakra is quite entertaining. The Arcanum and Lays from Afar just showed up today. I haven't had the chance to listen, but if they are as good as Emprise to Avalon, that will make my day. Although, I've tried to find their second release "Auld Lang.."(spelling?), but I can't find it. Is it OOP?

I've got all of Mithotyn's stuff. I didn't like Thyrfing too much.

Emprise to Avalon is shaping up to be as good as The Arcanum, I think you'll like it. I don't think Auld Lang Syne is OOP, but then again I could be wrong. I didn't really have trouble finding it, but that was a few years back.

If you like Mithotyn, check out their side project called Indungeon. They put out 2 albums, "Machinegunner of Doom" and "The Mithanthropocalypse". It's all the same Mithotyn members, just playing different instruments. A little less viking/folkish than Mithotyn, but good just the same.

Which Thyrfing did you listen to? I'd agree with you if you said that "Vansinnesvisor" isn't that good, but their previous one "Urkraft" I rank as being up there with Suidakra's "The Arcanum".

I used to own Thyrfing's self-titled, Vauldr Gaulga(spelling?) and Urkraft. They just never clicked with me.

I'm a big fan of the whole epic/viking/folk/pagan metal thing. I guess Suidakra is just one of those bands that I didn't spot.