yet another computer question from me.

I just logged into my email to mail paul, so what happened was I logged in, checked my email, delted all the spam, and logged out. TOTALLY FORGETTING WHY I HAD LOGGED IN IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Nice one sam.

Sam, I can burn the iso, but it will not work as a boot disk on a mac. In order to create a boot disk you have to somehow extract the disk image and burn that.
Right - but you already have the disk image extracted, right? Or maybe you need to burn the ISO, copy the contents to a drive, create a partition, mount partition, etc. etc.

Wow. Probably not the person to answer this question. Have made fool of self. Unsticking thread.

(Fear of thread being immediately re-stuck by Toby)
Toast should be able to handle it- it has a conversion tool for making PC format CDs readable in a mac file structure. I actually had to do some research on this crap for work not too long ago. Anyhoo- the mac and PC have different directory formats and are not cross-browser compatible. That's why the filenames appear different when your mac reads PC files.

If I choose "Disc Image" it won't let me mount the image in toast although there's an option for it. It tells me there's a MacOS error. But if I DO choose disk image, will it burn the .iso as a mountable image instead of as the .iso?