Yet another Pictures thread


Nov 19, 2002
Houston, TX
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Well, the great thing about a digital camera is that you can take as many pictures you want. The not-so-great thing is that when you get home from a trip you realize that you have 800 or so pictures to sort through looking for keepers. :) So far I've only gone through pics for 3 of the bands, but I've posted a few at the page below:

I should be able to get the rest up over the next few days, I'll bump this thread when new pictures are uploaded.


Houston, TX
some great shots!!! would you mind posting a direct link to your pics in the sticky picture thread so everyone looking for pics can easily find them instead of having to browse the whole board?? :)
OK got some pics for two more bands up (Tad Morose and Kamelot). I should hopefully get pics for Adagio, Wuthering Heights, and Edguy up in the next couple of days. Don't have any for Into Eternity since we missed their set, and the pics I took during the SavaWMD set seem to have disappeared. I think I may have formatted the memory card without downloading it. (Hey, cut me some slack, I drank a lot of beer Friday night. :dopey: )

Here's the link again:
