Yo Black Metal NiGGGGAAAAA

nah! I love the campus pub! And somehow, I've always managed to do well on my finals, despite always leaving an exam feeling that i'm totally fucked and gonna be failing.
The beer is affordable, I go with my classmates, a few of whom I like and I bring 3 bucks in change and queue up every iron maiden/black sabbath song on their music system.

and oh yes, the nachos and food are TOTALLY AWESOME.
gawd, you dudes can't even enjoy common idiots when drunk? that's just sad.

oh and lurch is right (he said it some other thread). none of us are any different than the other morons of the world. just different flavoUrs.
stare at chix0rz. or be Creepy Lonely Dude and get approached by a homeless dude you used to work with years and years ago. yeah that was a weird night.
yeah but yelling GIMME A FUCKIN PINT, RRRRRRAAAAAAAARRRRR!!! just doesn't have the same effect when you're reaching into the fridge to get it.
Erik said:
This is true, but I'm not. And when I do drink beer and eat nachos with my friends, what the fuck do I need a pub for? So I can pay 5 x the money for the beer?

Cause the pub makes a much better plate of nachos than you can make cause they have the second year cooking class people working in there to help finance their brokeass way through college. Cause you can meet womenz at the pub, because the bartender is fucking awesome, because you met the other bartender at a metal concert and he always gives you a free shot when nobody is looking, because sometimes its nice to get out and socialize, because you can meet awesome people like marketing guy, and his friend who you suspect is a metalhead and later run into at a metal show.

hmmm... lessee.... thats about it that I can remember atm. Oh, and at professor mugs, and the bourbon (other pub I go to), the beer actually is cheaper than buying it outside of the place, its that hard stuff that they jack the price up on. Oh, and I've gotten more free booze at the bourbon than I can shake a stick at from asking the DJ to play some metal (usually its iron maiden or old metallica that he plays) and then he says "free booze for anyone who gets on the dance floor and headbangs". Met a few cool people that way, and generally had a good time. haha, it's totally Tully style to see some chicks who don't like metal trying to headbang and getting dizzy and shit.
i'll be heading to a pub tonight. :kickass:

there are lots of great pubs out here. lots of poop ones too, like this one i went to called Babe's, it was a place about the size of my apartment, they had one pool table with malfunctioning everything, a stained couch that nobody sits on (i tried and was literally pulled away), they serve MGD and Bud Light, have a strip poker video game, some Konami shooter game from 1989 where you kill hookers, two small dogs behind the bar, one angry Samoan who has permanent residency on a particular stool, and a bartender that every night without fail, gets naked for no apparent reason.