Yo Mama Jokes

Yo mama's like a railroad track, she gets laid all over the country.
Yo mama's like a shotgun, one cock and she blows.
Yo mama's like a hockey player, she only showers after three periods.
Yo mama's like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece.
Yo mama's like the new AOL 4.0: Fun, fast, easy and free!
Yo mama's like a turtle, once she's on her back she's fucked.
Yo mama's teeth are so crooked, when she smiles her mouth looks like its throwin' up gang signs.
Yo mama's so old, she has all the apostles in her black book.
Yo mama's so old, Jurassic Park brought back memories.
Yo mama's so ugly, she threw a boomerang and it wouldn't even come back.

Yo mama's so stupid, at bottom of application where it says Sign Here - she put Sagittarius.
Yo mama's so stupid, it takes her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes.

Yo mama's so stupid, on her job application where it says emergency contact she put 911.
Yo mama's so stupid, she thought Tupac Shakur was a Jewish holiday.