You all have been waiting for this moment.. here you got it.


syndrome lover
Apr 22, 2004
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.
Cheers my Katatonic friends.. ! I've just collected ( well, almost interely ) the two rarest katatonia shit to be found on internet, both Rehearsal tapes in mp3.. took long time to finally get hold of the first one ( 91' ), and then i could trade it with the second (92').. and now i see no reason why this should keep totally hidden/lost among the ones who really care about it.. just check on my adress down there and then you got it.

* whenever my pc is online ofcorpse..

You rock guys, and have been more than three years since i joined this forum.. and thats pretty the only forum on internet i do post on nowadays.. and whose i'm kinda obsessed about.

hope you enjoy this shit as mutch as i do. Actually when i got these new tracks from 92's rehearsal today.. i just mentioned with the guy: 'feels like old xmaz morning' haha... he kinda felt this way too.

Cheers my friends..

Katatonia übber alles!


ps: A LITTLE UPDATE: changed my adress or simply
I want to make man babies with you now..

thank you so very awesomely friggin much!

Och Jonas, vem är denna Anna du ropar på efter 1.20 i the gathering of in flames? :p
I want to make man babies with you now..

thank you so very awesomely friggin much!

Och Jonas, vem är denna Anna du ropar på efter 1.20 i the gathering of in flames? :p

hahaha .. that's clear man.. that only make me think about times.. i had such fun there pretty mutch all bootlegz to be found in any p2p were there... :kickass:

nice to have some feedback.

ps: everytime anyone writes in sverige here makes me wanna learn it straight away. fukzzzz :p
ah, yeah.. my pc is online most of time... but unfortunally for some weird reason it just dies/freezes sometimes.. and i have to restart.. i guess its getting way too hot since i got both another HD and now a new pci wireless card.. so if it happens not to work. try in a few, later on.

* hapenned that o went to sleep and when i woke up it was fucked up, meh..
wow!!! never thought these would show up again!!! this brings back memories...let me see...
'rehearsal 92'.... 'sunset choir' was actually the first song we ever wrote (winter 91) under the katatonia monicker, so i guess it kinda makes it a forgotten classic. 'daylight harvest' was written later (summer of 92), but we decided not to record and include neither of these two for the jhva demo. this rehearsal recording is ofcourse just a draft of the material and perhaps its a shame we didnt get them recorded in a studio since that would have taken the songs to a final version...
'rehearsal 91'... this is just a crappy-made up at the spot-jam session while hitting rec on a taperecorder. it was not serious and its not katatonia, but man did we have fun during those years :grin:
wow!!! never thought these would show up again!!! this brings back memories...let me see...
'rehearsal 92'.... 'sunset choir' was actually the first song we ever wrote (winter 91) under the katatonia monicker, so i guess it kinda makes it a forgotten classic. 'daylight harvest' was written later (summer of 92), but we decided not to record and include neither of these two for the jhva demo. this rehearsal recording is ofcourse just a draft of the material and perhaps its a shame we didnt get them recorded in a studio since that would have taken the songs to a final version...
'rehearsal 91'... this is just a crappy-made up at the spot-jam session while hitting rec on a taperecorder. it was not serious and its not katatonia, but man did we have fun during those years :grin:

The weirdest thing i think, its that someone pointed out that this 91' rehearsal was actually recorded/printed on vinyl..! is that any true ? :hypno: