you cannot tell what people are like through the net


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
i see you all are not getting on as well as we would like, and i see a few of you do not like eachother.. so can i comment in some way?

i have in the past been wound up by posts people make here, and i have also wound people up with my posts. i have had the impression some people are nasty and i have also been nasty.

recently i was beginning to think mehdi was not a good bloke judging by some of the stuff here. but...i was hanging around with him in france and i can honestly say in all my years have seldom met anyone so easy to talk to and get on with. (sorry for the cheese mehd)

so, as far as i am concerned..

1. mehdi is a top bloke
2. maren and others i have met here have seemed really nice when we have met
3. i guess you just cannot tell how people are through a computer screen

I'ts easy to slip into sarcastic bastard mode when on the net,something I'm always mindful of when posting on here and other places.That's not to say i haven't been a twat to others on other sites.Sometimes it's harder to just leave it be but you get used to it after practise.
I think everyone's been pretty nice there are some individuals with a sarcastic sense of humour that may cause offence occasionally but I agree that you dont really know what they are like unless you meet them. And Ive met well..Ive met a few people briefly but I was rather pissed so i look forward to bumping into people when im not as loud and less likely to start doing impressions.

One of the nicest people I spoke to in Rome was that merch guy he was really really sound and when we saw him in liverpool he remembered who we were. I cant remember his name but woooo for the merch guy.
flebbie said:
the opposite is also possible. I had been chatting for a while with someone who came across as real cool bloke, but when I met him he was with no doubt the biggest nerd I ever talked to:tickled:

There are signs on my campus that have this scruffy dirty old man at a computer saying something to the effect of "This is the 24 year old male model you are chatting with"

I find them to be kind of amusing. I think it may say athlete. I'm not sure though.
we have similar things in adverts on television over here with an old man in a kids chat room talking about football stickers. Quite frightening really.

That is so very cannot tell what ppl are really like on here...estimations can be always wrong...thats one of internet's bad thingies i guess
who gives a fuck..... as long as you enjoy it ..dont matter what people look like.. it dont mean a fucking thing doz it..........just get on with what your doing and stop getting paranoid...
You never know how someone "in the Net" really is, until you meet him/her in real life and learn to know him/her better. For sure some are hiding behind a mask pretending to be something else what they are.
This here for example seems just to be a nice place where people meet each other, share and discuss opinions. I think you really fast get an impression, how the general "feel" at the place/forum you go is. Mostly I'm at the Anathema and Katatonia forum, since these bands are one of my favorites AND the people here most time are friendly to each other.

Take a look into the Opeth discussion board and some others too. I like the music, but I can imagine that Newbies feel there like fresh meat thrown into a cage full of hungry lions. Maybe because they're asking the same questions again and again, but that shouldn't be the way how to act to them. I don't want to say that there are only bad people, but you don't have to search for long there. You will everywhere find some who're like a "pain in the ass", but you should not take them too serious. Some are just kids and want to be cool. Luckily that don't so much seems to be here.
I would not say I don't give a damn... I would really like to meet ppl from here and see how they are in the real life. somehow everyone behaves different here I think than they do normally, as you just can't describe yourself through a computer, parts of you will (the way you behave, talk, react to things and all that, there are pretty many) surely be missing, that you can't persent without live personal contact
i even pretend i can actually talk! hahaha!

seriously: the language often is adifficult thing too, trying to express what you really feel, using the exact nuances...hmm, don't know how to say this right :D