You Dont Have To Be Afraid Anymore


Goddess of All
Jan 3, 2002
Hollywood, CA USA

I think I have figured out most of the lyrics to this song, but can you give me the Info on what this song is about...I think you said it has something to do about a cop killing his family, but what happened exactly??

Thanks, see ya soon!

OK, you guilt tripped me enough at the metal devastation show. So we've discussed the lyrics and you pretty much knew what was up anyway.....and here's my post, so go pick on tattooedfreaks, and crazy metalheads in Helvete, Ohio...hehe :wave: :wave: :loco: :loco: :Spin:

just kidding, love ya....
herjesus said:
OK, you guilt tripped me enough at the metal devastation show. So we've discussed the lyrics and you pretty much knew what was up anyway.....and here's my post, so go pick on tattooedfreaks, and crazy metalheads in Helvete, Ohio...hehe :wave: :wave: :loco: :loco: :Spin:

just kidding, love ya....

Alright, show was a bit of a let down because of your guys set...Oh well, there will always be better venues and BETTER promoters...Talk to you later and good luck with your thingie you are doing for the next 2 weeks nate! It was good to see ya and everyone again!

I actually got questions asking me if this song was online somewhere, but the truth is, our girlfrineds are usually first to hear the unreleased music.

Yes, and I feel so god damn privileged to be able to hear the new material first...This album (after GWC) is going to be astounding!!! Just from what I have heard so far...
PANTERAaddict101 said:
send me everything you have, Meshell. I'm sure you are tired of holding it...

HAHA, I wish I could there Pantera Addict, what is your name anyways?....But, I have it all in my head thanks to their band practice's, that and hearing John play pver and over and over....

cheers tho!:hotjump:
I was one of the people who asked john if it was online..woo go me!

anyways, I cant wait to hear this song. Just the song title is intriguing enough. It may give The last fantasy of christ a run for its money as my favorite vehemence song.. but TLFOC will definitely be hard to top.
christcrusher said:
HAHA, I wish I could there Pantera Addict, what is your name anyways?....But, I have it all in my head thanks to their band practice's, that and hearing John play pver and over and over....

cheers tho!:hotjump:

My name is Kevin. I can wait till next year to hear it on cd, but it will be hard... I'll live.