You don't listen to enough Black Sabbath.


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Whatcha gonna do?
Times caught up with you
Now you wait your turn
You know theres no return

Take your written rules
You join the other fools
Turn to something new
Now its killing you

First it was the bomb
Vietnam napalm
You push the needle in

From life you escape
Realitys that way
Colours in your mind
Satisfy your time

Oh you, you know you must be blind
To do something like this
To take the sleep that you dont know
You're giving death a kiss, oh, little fool now

Your mind is full of pleasure
Your body's looking ill
To you its shallow leisure
So drop the acid pill,

Don't stop to think now

You're having a good time baby
But that wont last
Your minds all full of things
You're living too fast

Go out enjoy yourself
Don't bottle it in
You need someone to help you
To stick the needle in, yeah

Now you know the scene
Your skin starts turning green
Your eyes no longer seeing
Lifes reality

Push the needle in,
Face deaths sickly grin
Holes are in your skin,
Caused by deadly pin

Head starts spinning round
You fall down to the ground
Feel your body heave
Deaths hands starts to weave

Its too late to turn
You don't want to learn
Price of life you cry
Now you're gonna die!
both of you GTFO

edit: this is obviously aimed at the two clowns above fair azal, who is the sole voice of reason in an insane world
the combined mustache power of the original line-up if used correctly can cure the aids.

Tony and Geezer had epic mustaches!

I have a early-70s Sabbath poster hanging above me and Geezer, with a LSD tripping bunny on his shirt, is like the blue print of child molester haha.