You fuckers shamed the beloved Jersey

Why, wouldn't happen to be a supporter from the scummy side of the fence would we? ;) I'm from Coatbridge, it's a tad fucking obvious I'm gonnae be a Celtic supporter, I'd rather nae get stabbed to fuck every time I leave the house cheers haha
Hearts, so I hate the Old Firm...and everything else in general.

Romanov is a God, you must agree as a Jambo, he has delivered great things for you club hasn't he?

It's just sad that my beloved Celts has joined your lot as the laughing stock of Scottish football, instead we are both kinsmen that supports a team that are now broken dreams
TBH, I'm frankly numb to the embarassment. I've had several years now to accustom myself to the fact that the club I support is a complete and utter joke when it comes to matters of ownership, managers and even players (for the most part). As much as Celtic managed to disgrace themselves, you still have far more resources to pull yourself back together again and challenge for the title than we ever will.
Yeah, I support Middlesbrough... and I'd like to place emphasis on the word support. I could say, oh fuck it, we're shit. I'm going to support Arsenal, or whatever.
Well as the supporters banner at Parkhead said

"The badge on the front is bigger than the names on the back".

I will always support Celtic but those players that are in team just now are not deserving of my support, I disagree with you when you said we have the squad to pull it back, sorry but we don't, none of them are fit to wear that jersey, McGeady is all about himself and his vision is poor, Keane needed 1st team football and then he's fuckinoffski, Crosac is a watse of space, N'Guemo is going to be at the World Cup and I can't imagine how he can be classed as an international player, he always looks frightened of the ball, Brown needs Kevin Thompson, both of them were great together at Hibs, Samaras is like watching a donkey on ice skates, I swear one of those days I am to grab hold of him and shave off his hair, he spends more time flicking his hair out his eyes than hitting the post with everyshot.

The entire squad needs to go but sadly half of them will remain next season and I ain't supporting Celtic anymore till everyone of them has left the club, I want to see players playing for the team, fight to the end and understand what you are playing for and it's not always trophies but to uphold the finest traditions of Celtic by playing football in an attacking sense that entertains the fans, if you think I am off my head, Tommy Burns was loved by the fans because he created a great Celtic team that was full of flair and attackers, he was just unlucky to be up against a very good and strong Rnagers team, so he only won 1 trophy but he was still hearalded as a great manager of a brilliant Celtic team
Apparently the chat is that Celtic are considering Forest manager Billy Davies for the manager's position.

Hands off Billy you dirty hoops! :mad:

TBH, It's a compilment for BD but he won't leave Forrest, he is doing a grand job doon there and he doesn't want to leave it unfinished and besides he will get money to spend at Forrest, we won't have much of a budget for new players and no big name manager would want to take over such a woeful squad left behind by both Strachan and Mowbray, Sparky was supposed to be linked to the post but nothing has come of it, Lenny doesn't quite get my vote as he is too much loyal to Desmond McDermott and we need to get rid of the board as they have destroyed the club as much as the 2 previous managers have

This will take years to fix

I will tell you how bad the team is, the fans have just voted Robbie Keane as player of the year and he only joined us at the end of the transfer window in January, he basically has played 15 games and he is only on loan till June before he goes back to Tottenham Hotspur

Thats how bad the team is
It's just the English media shit stirring, BR ain't leaving Forrest and anyways I couldn't care less if the next manager was a die hard Rangers man, just as long he does the job that he is paid to do, thats all I care about, I mean King Kenny was a diehard Rangers supporter when he was a wee boy and he became a Celtic legend so was Danny McGrain for that matter.

The shite with Gordon Strachan not being Celtic minded was full of shit, I backed him when he walked through the door, it was the dour style of football that did it for me and the fact he made some horrible signings, signed players that were no way near Celtic class, I know Rangers wouldn't have touched them with a barge pole either.