You have money to waste ?

That pic isn't great, I have another link which shows a cheap version of that guitar which I was going to buy, it's only £380 or something but it's cheaply made whereas this is much better.
True, i have rosewood on my jackson, and it's nothing wrong with it.. I do believe the bcrich has rosewood too, and nothing wrong with that one either.

And black hardware > gold hardware

the LTD looks sweet, but if i got it i'd paint over the yellow shit and paint the bevels red or some other colour. But thats just me lol
Getting maple on my new guitar, havent had much experience with maple, so i can't really say which is best yet.. But then again, the choice of wood really makes a TINY difference, if any at all.
i don't need it, i've got pretty much the same thing with two pickups and a better colour scheme... whats the active electronics in it? i've never heard of them
^ same with me. and yeah, that esp is pretty ugly. but i'd still get it if i had the money. who gives a shit what it looks like, as long as it helps my sound.
I cant really say that I like it. And what does it say on the 12th fret.

<-Warheart-> said:

This one looks lodas better, black hardware and a nicer shade of yellow.

But it has a resewood neck, licensed Floyd Rose. They're the only realy downfalls.
That ones pretty nice, I looked at it awhile back, but it was too expensive for me at the time.
xshadowsoulsx said:
I cant really say that I like it. And what does it say on the 12th fret.


xshadowsoulsx said:
That ones pretty nice, I looked at it awhile back, but it was too expensive for me at the time.

Yeah it's too expenisive for me too but I'll probably get it when I get a job.
offtopic, but thanks for posting this!

Alexi and Roope will make an appearance on the Swedish Metal Expo, which will be held on September 1st and 2nd in Stockholm.

i'm so gonna be there !