you know I love you guys

hes referring to Acie..
Pancakes, you do realize those of us who do post there without causing a shitspam do get treated like shit anyway right? you do know that dont you? besides, that place needs to be remodeled...
Cakey its unlike you to get so pissed off about something so have to realize none of us except MWM had anything do with that...i only have a problem with a few people there and they easily ignored but when others go in there to post (like sometimes people from here) they get flamed because no one knows them...dont ask me why Acie decided to shitdisturb...
Maharet said:
hes referring to Acie..
Pancakes, you do realize those of us who do post there without causing a shitspam do get treated like shit anyway right? you do know that dont you? besides, that place needs to be remodeled...

That is the reason to go there I think. To be treated like shit. I always post just to see what completely moronic egotistical outrageous sometimes predictable statement/insult they will make in regards to my post. Usually it involves the obligatory you are a homosexual, you are a CoB fan lolz omg!!11, a picture of goatse, you are lame because of your opinion, etc. It is very entertaining.

But I can completely understand why most people avoid that forum.
Yeah, I have to say, that kinda backfired on MWM. He's all like "I'm gonna piss off the SOT people by trolling and being immune to their comebacks," and then half an hour later "DAMN YOU LINA YOU CUNT! I SERIOUSLY HOPE YOU DIE IN A CAR WRECK!" :lol:

:p Sorry, Acie, but it's true.

Anyway, I was surprised by how few people crawled up my ass when I posted in the "So I was browsing metal-archives..." thread to defend my friends. SOT still sucks, but slightly less. :)
but if they dont know you, youre automatically out and its no fun, so why not post stupid shit in there? this forum has a bad rep too, but from my few visits there, it seems they're way bigger retards than us, with more and dumber inside jokes. they also gang up on newbs as a forum more than anywhere else as well. so if you're 'in' its cool, and if you're 'out' it looks like a van full of retards.
No, if they don't know you then you try not to do anything retarded. We still get new people coming in, if we didn't, the forum would die: as it is, it's getting more and more active.

And as for ganging up on newbs, only if they're retarded. If they post an intro thread that's like 'omg hi guyz im nu here i liek cob and stuff leik thad!!1' then that's putting a big 'haze me' target on your ass. If you just start posting and don't act like a total fucking spaz, you fit right in.
I never go to SoT, they are always assholes. MWM says a lot of stupid shit though maybe he can find a new home there. J/K Of course I say alot of stupid things too but oh well.
So I'm trying to have fun at the expense of others and it backfired. Big fucking deal. Lina did piss me off, I will admit that. However I got replies such as "Best thread ever." So yeah, shut up 'cakes. I absolutely hate SOT and not because of people like you. It's the ignorant bastards who post pictures of rape, dying ethiopian children, and so on. If you get your panties in a wad because I did what I did, I seriously suggest you look back on some of the other threads/posts made. You should surely shit yourself. I also find that once my thread gained some interest of a few others it should have not been deleted. Considering most people weren't quite as gay as I thought and caught onto my point.

Lina is a cock and I stand by that... as do many other posters there. If you can be dickheads among yourself, there's no saying someone else can't be as well. I'll tell you this much. Get rid of douchebags like Oyo and Dodens Grav and I'll leave your piece of shit forum alone. Sorry to irritate your vagina pancakes. All things considered, I'd do it again. I had a great time laughing at that thread. Sorry my sense of humor doesn't appease you.

Regarding ELDE's comment. Yes, you do say stupid shit. Oh well, exactly. People are warranted to make mistakes and say stupid shit every now and then. However my thread was not a mistake. It was merely a joke targeted at the petty individuals (some of) in SOT
neal said:
but if they dont know you, youre automatically out and its no fun, so why not post stupid shit in there? this forum has a bad rep too, but from my few visits there, it seems they're way bigger retards than us, with more and dumber inside jokes. they also gang up on newbs as a forum more than anywhere else as well. so if you're 'in' its cool, and if you're 'out' it looks like a van full of retards.

:tickled: Nice Anal Cunt reference
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
So I'm trying to have fun at the expense of others and it backfired. Big fucking deal. Lina did piss me off, I will admit that. However I got replies such as "Best thread ever." So yeah, shut up 'cakes. I absolutely hate SOT and not because of people like you. It's the ignorant bastards who post pictures of rape, dying ethiopian children, and so on. If you get your panties in a wad because I did what I did, I seriously suggest you look back on some of the other threads/posts made. You should surely shit yourself. I also find that once my thread gained some interest of a few others it should have not been deleted. Considering most people weren't quite as gay as I thought and caught onto my point.

Lina is a cock and I stand by that... as do many other posters there. If you can be dickheads among yourself, there's no saying someone else can't be as well. I'll tell you this much. Get rid of douchebags like Oyo and Dodens Grav and I'll leave your piece of shit forum alone. Sorry to irritate your vagina pancakes. All things considered, I'd do it again. I had a great time laughing at that thread. Sorry my sense of humor doesn't appease you.

Regarding ELDE's comment. Yes, you do say stupid shit. Oh well, exactly. People are warranted to make mistakes and say stupid shit every now and then. However my thread was not a mistake. It was merely a joke targeted at the petty individuals (some of) in SOT

It is surely fine to post pictures of retarded children though!