you know what? fuck you courtney, or fuck you whoever is doing this BULLSHIT.

lizard said:
ref Tupac, he's one of the few rappers I can halfway say had skills, not that I ever have a desire to listen to it.
yep. i've watched that barney video like 231985498 times though.

nirvana changed my life. no i wasn't one of those punk teenagers who needed to find an excuse to rebel, i just heard them when i was 13 and thought it was the most amazing thing on the planet. i didn't rebell until 2 years later, and for me rebelling just meant wearing black clothes and smoking pot. LOLZ I STILL DO THAT 11 YEARS LATUHR>>>>>
Id still do her, Im a whore. I went straight from Master Of Puppets to Iced Earth to InFlames to Immortal , nope sorry no Nirvana for me. AIC was the only decent grunge band and thats because they were heavy as shit and dark. Angry Chair or Them bones anyone.

1349 Hellfire
god damn nad said:
yep. i've watched that barney video like 231985498 times though.
that video =
I listened to classic rock exclusively about 6 years ago. Then I met a dude who loved zeppelin, started listening to metallica. From metallica I moved to In Flames (listened to some last night, it was great), met a guy at work who was a real metalhead, started giving me bands to check out (At the Gates, Arch Enemy, Nile, Morbid Angel, etc). The rest of the stuff I've gotten into has been from fuckwads back in the day listing songs on kazaa as being "band x" and instead being "band y" but band y is awesome so I check it out.

and somewhere along the last few days I broke 1000 posts. go me. I'm a loser.
Courtney is disgusting. I'm appalled by everyones low standards. Who in their right mind thinks they can fuck that, and walk away withotu a disease? :confused:

Aswell as :erk: & :ill:
i would NOT fuck courtney. i mean i couldn't even hatefuck that, to me she's just disgusting and then after watching the documentary kurt and courtney, i get punchy just seeing pictures of her on teh intarweb.
it wouldn't surprise me if kurt wrote most of that album. foamz (who is a massive nirvana fan) swears he did and i have a tendency to believe him with such topics.

i havne't heard live through this in like 11 years and was never a fan. but i only listened to it once, so i suppose i should give it a try again someday.
Tupac is wicked overated to me. Wu-Tang >>>>>> Tupac. by a million.
Tupac is wicked overated to me. Wu-Tang >>>>>> Tupac. by a million.

Did i just post that out loud?
only rap i've heard an enjoyed was a grand total of 3 Eminem songs. They cracked me right up.

"I'll tie a rope around my penis and jump from a tree! Don't you want to grow up to be just like me?"

:lol: CLASSICLY stupid but funny.


"hey mother, are you there? I love you! i never meant to hit you over the head with that shovel"
Anyway yeah back to doing Courtney. Oh yeah, im a dirty pillow biting whore.
I will admit that Bone Thugs had nice Harmonies but i could never get into that ganster rap stuff. Now Body count on the other hand hahahaha, they had some okay pretty cool stuff.
i remember screaming trees.
AIC does indeed rule.
nirvana were amazingly bad.
that is all for now.