You spew, part deux (read)


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Take the time to read this please.

Ok gang, I need to reiterate this again, because some people aren't getting it and it's continuing to cause issues.

I almost temp banned 3 people last week, in the MLB thread, just to make a point, but I didn't. It started small, then all three of you ramped it up to the point of complete thread derailing.

There's been 2 people banned in the last few days, 1 deserved (UA) and I don't see him changing his ways, and 1 I have decided is borderline so I have unbanned him (TB). My apologies to TB. I think if he were to be banned then others should have been also for some of the same reasons.

I will go out of my way to say. if you send something to someone in private on here, it's the internet, you're taking your chances in the hands of the other person, no? Also. even if in private, if anything were to ever threaten or some hit in private and I found out, you'd be gone. It just won't be tolerated.

Here's the deal, there are a select few that are really causing a lot of the issues, whether through constant sarcasm, constant backhanded comments, outright insults, putting down others because of what bands they like, or finding it necessary to refute others' OPINIONS, I mean the list is too long?! Sometimes some of this stuff is completely fine, innocent banter. But man, just look around and how often it escalates into outright fighting, bickering, insulting, etc.

Stop. stop. stop. I'm not kidding around that this kind of stuff has driven off so many people from here. As much as its a bunch of pals hanging out, this is not a personal playground for you to do what you want and how you want. And really, there are a few simple rules to follow, and mostly it is just be decent to others and respect others (and of course no posting porn).

Go read the last 3-5 pages on albums kicking ass, watch how things start out as a little ribbing then escalate. It's hard to sometimes figure out how to read someone's responses over the internet. Remember that.

Anyways, I'm telling some of you specifically, and you should know who you are, stop it. I want you to have fun, but break some of the posting habits you've developed that are keeping others from hanging out here. I'll be honest its the kind of stuff that has kept even me out of here, and I like talking about music. It's what keeps the Old School dudes from here, who are kick ass guys and super knowledgeable.

I would hope it doesn't even get to the point of having to temp/perm ban you know? Totally get your reply, that's why I'm spending so much time trying to get the point across so that we can avoid that. There can be a balance if people are willing to bend a little and make this area a little more accepting.
ah ok, cool. lol, when i read the first sentence of your post i thought you were threatening me with a ban.

yeah man i understand, just do what you think is necessary, you're the one that makes it possible for us to do this in the first place
I'm apologizing for my actions towards TB. I acted like a business executive and made 100% of the decision based on 10% of the information. I caved to the pressure of certain individuals and shouldn't when I didn't have all information from all sides. Deron was guilty of this in the past, but it doesn't excuse my actions. Just shows we make mistakes and we need to learn from them.

I'll be better in the future. I don't want him to leave based on me being an idiot and acting impulsively.
I was quite shocked when I decided to come back here after dumping Facebook and seeing all the bitchy stuff that goes on here.It's kind of embarrassing to see that sort of thing.Especially noticed it the other day when OneManArmy joined,he seems like a good and knowledgeable person regarding metal and all around him were embarrassing bitchy posts that seemed more Britney Spears than Sodom,welcome to the forum.
I just thought the childish behaviour by a few posters was normal and accepted, since it appears to have been going on for a long time from what I can tell by reading loads of historic threads over the last couple of months.

I'm currently trawling through the Black Metal thread at the moment, and seeing lots of examples of the "spew" going back 5 years. It's irritating, but I'm kind of desensitised by it all, and scroll past it until I get to something useful.

I wasn't aware that the Old School Metal section was full of different peeple, as I haven't read through much in there yet. But I can understand if they're more "refined" and don't want to mix with some of the more colourful other characters in here, lol.
Deron, I'd like to once again thank you for being so level headed and understanding of everything. The world needs more people like you.

And my bad once again for continuing to escalate shit.
Deron, my personal .02 would be to add a better ignore feature, than to ban people from here. Something that literally blocks someones post completely from your sight, not just the text that still shows that so and so posted. That way whoever had a problem with whoever can truly "ignore" people that bother them, while the ignored can be themselves to whatever audience applies.

This is honestly the reason why I dont post much here anymore cause the threads are flooded with such stupid bullshit that could easily be solved by a updated ignore feature. At the same time keeps people on the forum (cause I dont want anyone to be gone per se) but gives them the freedom to be whoever they want, cause the only ones listening to their bullshit are the ones who care.

If it costs money to update this feature, and you and others are in agreement, Id gladly be the first to monetarily contribute.
From Admin: this post has been moved out of a thread that was derailed. Followup coming.

Man... I don't post on general forums too often so I don't know the regular posters... But the guy completely derailed the topic by posting something completely unrelated that is clearly instigating an argument he was having elsewhere, and decided it needed to spill into other threads...

I myself would consider that bullshit if I was moderating. I did scroll past it as Ozzman suggested... You know what it lead to though?? Scrolling past like two pages of off topic argueing because one guy decided to shit all over the thread.

Maybe this is status quo and doesn't bother most. I will just ignore the thread entirely now, but it is too bad for anyone that wanted to hear more than a few answers.
Man... I don't post on general forums too often so I don't know the regular posters... But the guy completely derailed the topic by posting something completely unrelated that is clearly instigating an argument he was having elsewhere, and decided it needed to spill into other threads...

I myself would consider that bullshit if I was moderating. I did scroll past it as Ozzman suggested... You know what it lead to though?? Scrolling past like two pages of off topic argueing because one guy decided to shit all over the thread.

Maybe this is status quo and doesn't bother most. I will just ignore the thread entirely now, but it is too bad for anyone that wanted to hear more than a few answers.

Only because one person made a reply to it (or said instigator thought they were responding to him). There were 8-10 posts before the off topic bickering started because they just ignored it (like most should). If you ignore it, it stops. If you draw attention to it, it gets worse.
Read Belac's response to the thread I just cleaned up. Now imagine a visitor checking out UM or GMD for the first time.

I just spent some time cleaning up a thread, basically ended up gutting half of it. Why? Because people think that junking up a thread with retorts, responses, finger pointing, etc. somehow isn't as derailing/troublesome as another person's opinions on "black metal". I can tell you, as an ADMIN, one is solved by clicking an ignore button, the other, well takes up my time going back and cleaning up threads.

If you have a legitimate (emphasis on legitimate) gripe about someone on the forum who is causing harm for more people than yourself, report it. I will look into it, I will validate it (or refute).

Now, if you report stuff that I deem would better be handled if you used the ignore feature, I will say so. If you choose to NOT use that feature, and continue to report that person's posts, I will say so as well. Then it moves past "saying so", and I will warn you. Etc, etc.

How many reports have I received on the user who was singled out, and for the reason stated? None. Zero. None that I can recall anyways.

How many reports have I received about the other person(s) mentioned for comparison, lots, over a long span of time. THAT is the difference.

Quit wasting my time, by shitting up threads to hammer your viewpoints. Report, or message me in private. I will look into it like I do every report. But again, if something is more of an annoyance, use the ignore feature. Because you know what? When something is ignored more than it is given retorts/support - it goes away.
That is essentially how I view this kind of behaviour when I see it. Some people who have posted for years probably don't think much of it since they have seen the ups and downs of UM, they recognize that some of the good parts of posting on here also come with some bullshit, or they at least grow accustomed to certain users and ettiquette. Some users also have thicker skin and brush it off completely or even revel in the chaos.

To a new user however, this place must seem hostile as fuck and I would not blame them for being detered by random people picking fights that have nothing to do with the topic at hand and a big shitstorm starting up. Personally I ignore things most of the time and only get pissed off when that kind of behaviour spills into every post and every thread, especially when there are only a handful of people that seem to be looking for a reason to unload their personal dislikes and cause shit.

As I said I don't post all that much throughout UM but when I do there tends to be certain areas and people that are best avoided, and that is sad when there is a thread you want to participate in (or maybe just read) but doing so means you have to wade through 25-50% fighting, taunting and grudges.
GMD has always been more or less "hostile" to new people, but I don't see that as out of the norm for most internet communities. You give a new person a bit of a hard time and if they don't run away crying they check out.

As far as long time posters that have long standing hobby horses they like to ride into every other thread (guilty of that myself to varying degree), if it's a hobby horse you don't like, use Ignore or just keep scrolling.
And keep in mind you can disagree and argue with one another without resorting to this. Yeah, some of it is in jest, but a lot of the time I swear you guys type up a completely reasonable post, but you just have to throw in that extra little bitch jab in at the end like you're doing us all a disservice if you don't. Newsflash. We don't care. You're not gaining any sort of internet/man-card points by acting like a spiteful 12 year old.