You Tube teasers

Yesh! This is just awesome! I can't wait to buy this album. Hopefully the CD store here will get it when it's released here..... Though, I'm so used to them not having any of the CD's I want. :bah:
Sticking to my word and not listening to any of those songs or teasers. I intend to take my copy to my car once I get it and go for a nice hour long drive to enjoy this :lol:
Is it wrong that I actually think it's a good little promo tool for the band? Seldom to people actually listen to all their music online, so maybe a few people will watch those videos and end up buying the album?
True, and who knows how many will actually buy it, but it certainly can't hurt as far as getting word of the band out there.
I'm with you both, it's a good promo for the band so, as long as the band are cool with it then the tracks might as well reach a larger audience. Personally, I'm not listening to any full-length tracks. I want my copy in my hands for very many private listens all in one go :)