You want to hear a 10 minute orchestral epic?


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Just finished a scratch track for my bands upcoming album, trying to get it done. Scratch/The Grand Despair Scratch.mp3

What do you think? The mix itself for being unmixed is actually pretty bangin' so far, when I get some real amps and a solid 8 hours to mix it will be killer.

EDIT, here are all the tracks that I have so far in case anyone is interested: Scratch/Great Awakening Scratch.mp3 Scratch/Oculus Cognition Scratch.mp3 Scratch/Art of Agony Scratch.mp3 Scratch/The Winter Snow Scratch.mp3
wow, a 10 minute track that did not bore me, respect! :)
drums sound very raw, but as it is unmixed the raw sound is really nice!
i don't like the voices&choirs, these ALWAYS sound fake no matter what library is used.
i'd leave these out. the piano part is really nice but needs some tweaking, try using softer notes!

I like raw sounding drums, they will stay that way, but be polished in a way to make that raw sound stand out better in a final mix.

I have been known to complain about my library as it is, when you buy the cheapest of the cheap, all instruments sound well, fake. Things like Piano I will end up recording myself, and their will some acoustic guitars strumming those chords in there too. I had an idea for a lapsteal during that part, but I don't have a library or own/know someone who owns one.
Amazing! really epic, i dig the composition

could you please mention all orchestra intruments did you use?
my library is the MOTU symphonic instrument, in terms of instruments composed:

(Sustained and Marcatto dynamic)
1st & 2nd Violins

(Sustained and Stacatto dynamic)
F Horn
Bass Trombone

(Sustained and Stacatto dynamic)
Bass Clarinet

Male Choir
Female Choir

Solo Cello
Aux: All Brass Section hits

Before anyone asks, guitars are Real SD-1 boosted TSE_X30, GuitarHack impulses, bass is SD-1 Boosted Ampeg SVX. Drums are Metal Foundry with my typical replaced snare, using the Rodgers Wood from Avatar.
what is definition of marcatto dynamic?

thank you

Marcato (Italian for marked) is a form of staccato. True marcato entails performing the note with a sforzando (sfz) attack and a sustain of two-thirds (occasionally three-quarters) of the original written length at same or increased volume, to notes preceding or succeeding it

basically its a longer staccato
I have more, at this point I almost have half the album done on scratch tracks, when the scratches are done, its a matter or rendering the scratch sessions to separate tracks (drums, and orchestras) and recording guitars through my 5150, then some hardcore mixing.

I will post what I have for scratches in a bit, let you guys have an exclusive listen.
yes it will have vocals, not worrying about that just now because it takes too much time to either melodyne the fuck out my vocals or find an acceptable vocalist. I will be attempting to do the vocals when the actual real tracks are being mixed, so until then they are instrumental.

as promised the other songs that I have scratches for at the moment, I think all of the fully written songs will be scratched by the week Scratch/Great Awakening Scratch.mp3 Scratch/Oculus Cognition Scratch.mp3 Scratch/Art of Agony Scratch.mp3 Scratch/The Grand Despair Scratch.mp3 Scratch/The Winter Snow Scratch.mp3
Constructive criticism :

I will mainly focus on things I disliked, even if it's music writing based (which is too late for you song since you have already recorded it but it's fort the future, and it's just my tastes) just a note : at 4mn34 the "chorus" remembered the chorus of "The Illusionist" from Scar Symmetry. same harmony excepted the end ! quite fun. You can sing the SS song on it with not probem.

For me, many parts are boring cause too repetitive and based only on one harmony. This will induce that these parts will be vocal-focused, which I'm not a fan of.

The arpeggios in the middle are a bit too predictible. They are all a succession of chords, which are basic, and the progression is not surprising. It's like, the whole song is only chord based, which is boring in a 10mn songs where you are supposed to be a bit surprised or there would be no point of having all parts played 2 or 3 times. Honestly, there had no interest in making it a 10mn song. This last fact is mainly my personnal opinion, I'm not so much into orchestral songs so it may not be the taste of your aimed audience. For long songs, I'm more of those who like it to change, show different faces, as can do Pink Floyd, Devin townsend, Between the Buried and me. Create different emotions.

The arpeggio are like the best example of what I personnally feel is lacking : there is no counterpoint work to make some musical sentences shine. All notes in the whole song, excepted a few, are all from the same tonality. The arpeggios evolve a bit, but still stay in their tune, no note is trying to escape. The cello is beautiful though, could sound pretty realistic ! Still, it's like it's too bad it doesn't try to add some "colour" to the melodies and just follows.

A lot of riffs (like at 2mn) are a bit generic. I know it's a common denominator of that type of orchestral songs to have guitars mainly supporting the overall wall of sound, but I'm sure it can be improved.

I love the epicness of the most powerful part just after the arpeggios, with the solo. It's the only part where the harmony is a bit surprising. The beginning of the solo is beautiful, its melody is remindable, the end is a bit less, because there seemed to have more work on "spot" notes in the first half part of it.

I love the choirs in the song's chorus. Where are they from ? I dig them a lot.

The overall sound is already impressive. I'm sure mixing it will be incredibly good sounding.

EDIT : just because re-reading me sounded like I disliked the song, seriously it's really good sounding and pleasant to hear. It's just, the points I noted in this criticism are things I'm sure could be interesting to work on.