You were right Dave!


Feb 20, 2005
Whilst perusing old threads as I often like to do, I stumbled upon this one:

And got a chuckle out of these posts:

not since I added the ATM650 to my mic locker...

if you like the i5 but want that 57 flavor, try an ATM650.

You got me curious on that atm650...

send me some clips!

Haha, me too. I was at GC today and almost bought one.

How silly our little search for tone is. One guy makes a 2 sentence post about a mic and I'm practically rushing out to buy one. :rolleyes:

However, even though I couldn't get Moodbender's clips to work, reading this impression of them:

That has got to be one of the best mics for capturing the crunch and mids of an amp...

I think It may be great to mix with a more bassy mic or with some post EQ to suck some mids to make it sound more "metal". But I really love the crunch it captures.

I read the spec info on the mic... freq. responce 80Hz-17kHz. That explains the lack of low end. (shure sm57 -> 40Hz-15kHz).

What a great mic... I'm gonna get myself one as soon as I have the money.

Thanks Keiffer u rock

Just got me too curious to not investigate, especially being the crunch lover that I am, so I just bought An ATM 650 for $75 shipped on ebay! Looking forward to trying it out, and you called it Dave, consider me guilty of the silliness of the tone search! :lol:
damn... funny thing is everytime I think of mics I still think of this mic since I haven't bought it yet...

damn you MoodBender!

post some clips dude as soon as possible!