You'll never guess who is an Opeth fan

Greenwater_Pond said:
Then they should cover Demon of the Fall and scar some close minded teenagers brains, I'd like to see that...maybe they wouldn't have rocks and bottles thrown at them if they did :loco:

You know, I'd like to take Chad Kroeugieiweieger with a sniper rifle if he did that.
Greenwater_Pond said:
Then they should cover Demon of the Fall and scar some close minded teenagers brains, I'd like to see that...maybe they wouldn't have rocks and bottles thrown at them if they did :loco:


That would rule.

BTW, that's a damn cool picture in your sig!
I went to see Jerry Cantrell when he was on tour with Nickelback, and I'd have to say that Chad Kroeger really is a total ass, and not just because I don't like the music. Now I had never seen them before and had only heard like one song of theirs on the radio, so even though I didn't like em I tried to have a decent time and keep an open mind. Unfortunately, the prick from Nickelback ruined that with his overexaggerated posturing, obnoxious comments and a stunt they pulled mid-set. They brought out a video camera onstage after one of their songs and started filming the Nickelback fans in the crowd (mostly 15 year old girls and their mothers by the way), but that wasn't the bad part.

So at first he's giving the metal sign, telling the whole crowd to give respect to "real" metal, and foolishly I thought he wasn't referring to his own band in any way, because of the way he went about it. The crowd was all into it; even the people who didn't like the band went along with it, though half of us were shouting "get off the stage then, poser" and a lot of other comments at the time. Meanwhile, Chad was capturing it all on film.

Then he steps back up to the mic holding the camera and says "ok everybody... on the count of three I want everybody to yell "Nickelback Fucking Rocks!" as loud as they can... ready... 1...2....3"
What he got was 3/4 of an audience doing that, and the other portion booing and cursing him off. Only whenever they release their concert DVD or whatever, you'll just see an edited video portion that looks like a sea of rock fans giving them the metal sign and then praising them loudly.

It is by far the most revolting, ego-maniacal thing I've ever seen a "rockstar" from any band do. On top of all that, it wasted like 10 minutes altogether of stage time, because afterwards the band was basically joking amongst themselves with their backs to the audience.

As far as the obnoxious comments I referred to earlier.... Throughout the concert and especially at the end he kept saying things like "I want you all to get fucking wasted and have a good time after the show" and "We'd love to go get trashed with you guys afterwards, but we've got another show to do, so drink up for us" and all this other crap telling everybody to go get drunk, even though the obvious, visible majority of his audience was young, teenage girls. I'm not an uptight, conservative person by any means, but I thought it was really irresponsible, given his position of influence, to be saying to kids that they basically need to get plastered to have fun.