What's so special about Opeth?

Emotion, power and interest > Technique and speed.

That's only because metal by definition completely lacks dynamics. It doesn't apply for most other music. For example, if you compare two classical recordings of the same piece, depending on the technique one can be expressive and emotional, the other dull and pedestrian. In other words, technique generates the emotion, power and interest.
I don't think there's much point arguing aesthetics in regards to Opeth, because a lot of what they do doesn't conform with regular musical techniques. Mike mentioned that the new stuff is going to be 'disturbing,' which should be a warning to anyone who likes music that "sounds good."
it seems to me that the ultraboris douche never actually listens to most of the whole songs... he called benighted an accoustic passage...
Mmm, if it's not thrash, give it a shit rating:

Agent Steel - Unstoppable Force "Great speed metal, occasionally thrashy." - 80%

Anacrusis (US) - Suffering Hour "High quality thrash here" - 77%

Annihilator - Alice in Hell "Nifty, catchy fast thrash" - 71%

Anthrax - State of Euphoria "Nice fucking thrash!" - 80%

Destruction - The Antichrist "This is how modern thrash should be done" - 86%

Opeth - Blackwater Park "Blopeth" - 3%

Ok, so it's not entirely true, but as an Opeth fan I'm just bitter.
Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that since I´m the "new girl" here :oops: . Right now I´m living in Spain, but I´m mexican.
Oh! And I think Opeth is so special because they don´t make music to please anybody but themselves first (as creators) and thats precisely what real artists do... it´s my humble opinion
Well I think is all for now.
See you around
thats not what n-mayh was saying bro. he was saying that if you're going to review smth, you should at least listen to it.

problem is he doesn't know that guy didn't listen to it, he's just taking one tiny little quote from the guy's review and thinking it means something it probably doesn't.