Opeth sucks

I also find Blackwater Park to be their strongest all around effort. I'm also a huge fan of the first two, with the concepts after those, and then the two most recent are the weakest.

I like that someone who isn't a fan can get away with saying, "they're boring" or "I hate them", but when a fan says something somewhat more in-depth like "I like the drums and guitars" or "the songwriting is good", those last two statements are apparently too shallow and not valid. I haven't read a supported statement against Opeth. Okay maybe Life Sucks gave one. But that was it through 39 posts.
sculpted cold, a thing is the sum of its parts. that's an expression to indicate that things in the end can be greater than their individual parts would lead you to believe, but it's hardly a scientific statement. while I agree in principle, i'm not trying to be mired in distinctions. i discussed opeth at the most basic level, their songwriting. obviously, this doesn't account for the factor of your taste. that i need to waste time explaining this is telling.

people who say "opeth isn't highly regarded because they are popular" are merely unable to grasp how someone could possibly not worship their holy grail.

you mention the early work as being different, but at the root of it is plodding swedish death metal played by schizophrenics. every so often, we get 5 minutes of wandering acoustics. i'm not sure what these acoustics are exactly. they seem to be four or five notes played for 4 minutes.
I could never imagine thinking Opeth was boring. That's just crazy to me. I have loved all of their releases, even Damnation. It did take quite a while to really gain a great appreciation for their music. I think to the average music listener it may come across as boring... anyone who is paying attetion is hearing some amazing stuff.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
I suspect the reason why the common metal-enthusiast would be inctinctively quick to condemn Opeth is due to all of the praise and publicity they've been amassing, despite how deserving of it they may be.
Really? Personally, I condemn them because their music is some of the gayest pop metal around.
*sigh* This argument will never die. I'm a huge Opeth fan, but by no means a fanboy. I enjoy Opeth's work as it seems to me as some of the most original, cohesive, emotional music I've ever heard. If I want to listen to something with more fucked up structures and more superior musicianship(that's not to say Opeth aren't good musicians) I'll listen to brutal tech death or prog metal like Spiral Architect which makes me want to throw my guitar against the wall out of sheer frustration.

The smoothness of Opeth's transitions were one of the main things that got me into them. And about the amount of notes in their acoustic passages, I don't really think it matters because the emotion is there imo. As I said, if I want to listen to 1000000000 notes per minute I'll listen to Brutal Death Metal or Prog Metal, Burzum is minimalistic black metal and does not use extreme technicality yet most of the elitists praise it...Why? I don't know, I like it, you like it that's all that really matters right?

I myself think Opeth has a nice balance between brutality and emotion...I get sick of listening to Gorguts for more than 2 hours as awesome as the musicianship and fucked up the structures are. The brutality just gets fucking annoying and monotonous to me.

This is my opinion, flame me if you want. I ain't going to change my music tastes for any of you.
pop metal? they are becoming a well known band but to staple pop in front of the metal I dont think is deserving.

im sure most of the stuff everyone listens to is pop somehow all of us found out about it. If a band doesnt want to be pop then they should never record an album and only play live.
I can accept people not liking Opeth for not liking or finding it boring it.
But that does not make it bad.
They have good musicmanship, skills, lyrical ability and delivery that is at least not too irritating even to haters, and they got popular despite not having a huge label pushing it.

I mean, I don't like Dream Theatre the least bit, but I wouldn't say that they are bad just because I happen to not like them.
HardSide said:
you telling me i actually have to defend my opinion of a band when i say they are boring? you kidding right, its my opinion, i just dont like there music period, and no i didnt even know they were "popular" before i even made my decision they were a horrible band.
Plain and simple- if all you think it takes to prove that music is good is that you like it then your scum: you don't deserve to talk to me ab out music. Obviosuly you are too shallow to get what music is really about- good music is not just about pleasing someone sonically- like yourt shallow ass thinks. Truly great music is about music+ideologies+lyrics ect. If you can add that all up then you have great music. Thats why I respected Osmoisis on that board, he made an argument from within that realm, while scum like you make no real argument for why you like what you like: who gives a fuck what you think, fucking piece of trash...
People who say nothing more than 'Opeth sucks' and give no reasoning or explanation are just as idiotic as the fanboys who say 'Opeth rules!'.

For me, its the dynamics of Opeth that make them unique. There arent many bands out there with this kind of variety in their music, and very few bands do it as well.
I think Opeth are great., and agree with the Blackwater Park fans. Although that album maybe doesnt have any tracks as "big" and powerful as some of the older albums (Im thinking especially of Still Life), overall I think it makes the best cohesive album and dont find a second of it boring or repetative apart from maybe Dirge For Novembre which is its weak link. The last 2 albums were enjoyable but I find Deliverance a bit hit & miss - it certainly has its repetative sections and I find myself waiting for them to finish - and the vocals on Damnation kinda grate in an annoying pop song kinda way sometimes. Overall though; great band. They often manage to fit a whole bunch of riffs & melodies into 1 song that other bands could have made individual songs out of and would have been highly praised for. Eg, the end of Face of Melinda. That would be a really nice little acoustic song without the ending but then they tag on an awesome riff/vocal trade off section with one of my favourite ever riffs and then yet another great riff to fade out on.
I think they're good. Blackwater Park is probably my favorite album by them, and I also really like Deliverance and Damnation. Their older albums are good too. I think that they're an all around solid band, albeit being somewhat overrated.

I'm surprised there haven't been any Agalloch comparisons. For the record, I don't think they're very similar, and I like Agalloch much more.
opeth was the band that got me into metal.. of course they are crazy all the time, but they are awesome musicians, they put on an awesome show.. IMO i think that opeth is getting popular because they put out damnation, because their soft acustic appeals to everyone. We will see what happens to them on their next album... i think they are the best progressive metal band, if they wanted to get popular they easily could because of micheals awesome voice, but they wont because they want to stay heavy...
Barnolde said:
I think they're good. Blackwater Park is probably my favorite album by them, and I also really like Deliverance and Damnation. Their older albums are good too. I think that they're an all around solid band, albeit being somewhat overrated.

I'm surprised there haven't been any Agalloch comparisons. For the record, I don't think they're very similar, and I like Agalloch much more.