What's so special about Opeth?

That's like the people on imdb giving films like the godfather and lord of the rings 1/10 just because they think they aren't the best films ever

That UltraBoris guy have quite impressive reviews, I think. But in Opeth he's made a bad mistake. And here's link if anyone is intrested to see: UltraBoris reviews
haha, just look at some of their usernames....misanthrope,gore obsessed,Sinisterror,Sepulturafreak,Veddartha:Apocalyptic Destroyer of Angels,DaRkDeMoN,sperma_draconis...enough said pretty much
opeth makes 10-minute masterpieces and touches your soul like no other music would. so much that you wait for the next album like you wait for the next time you have sex. Thats whats so special about them.
That thread's just pretty much hilarious. They have a point with Opeth being overrated by some people to the point that it's aggrivating, but imo that's about it.
opeth makes 10-minute masterpieces and touches your soul like no other music would. so much that you wait for the next album like you wait for the next time you have sex. Thats whats so special about them.

What is special to me is something along those lines, they write amazing and memorable music that never gets old and in which you discover something new every time you listen. Opeth are one of the few bands for which I could wait 4 or even 5 years for their next album and it is because of that. Every time I listen to own of their albums, it feels as if it is the first time, always sounds fresh, yet familiar.

They are also a band that defies being caged into a particular metal genre, Opeth is Opeth, they have their own stile and niche. They see no need to adhere to the "ideologies" or what nots of a given genre. They just do what they like and in their own way.
The whole concept of Metal-Archives is fucked. You have to earn points to be able to do things, buts it's impossible to earn them. So they're all sucking moderator shlong, because he always writes bad Opeth reviews and doesn't like it when people stick up for them. His name's Ultra Boris or something. Just read the FAQ, they haven't even attempted to explain why the guy writes the reviews in that way. The concept of Metal-Archives is flawed, shut it down immediately.
Wow, there are some idiots on that board.

Here is my favorite quote though
Metal is the genre that has the most emotion in the whole music
Heh from the FAQ:

Who is this Ultra Boris asshole, and why does he hate Opeth so much? Opeth r00lz!!!11

Shut up.

No tell me! Why does he review Opeth albums, he only likes gay 80's crap and speed/thrash!

I said: shut up. Can't you read?
The whole concept of Metal-Archives is fucked. You have to earn points to be able to do things, buts it's impossible to earn them. So they're all sucking moderator shlong, because he always writes bad Opeth reviews and doesn't like it when people stick up for them. His name's Ultra Boris or something. Just read the FAQ, they haven't even attempted to explain why the guy writes the reviews in that way. The concept of Metal-Archives is flawed, shut it down immediately.

I agree. People should be writing reviews because they want to help out potential buyers, not because they want points.
The whole concept of Metal-Archives is fucked. You have to earn points to be able to do things, buts it's impossible to earn them. So they're all sucking moderator shlong, because he always writes bad Opeth reviews and doesn't like it when people stick up for them. His name's Ultra Boris or something. Just read the FAQ, they haven't even attempted to explain why the guy writes the reviews in that way. The concept of Metal-Archives is flawed, shut it down immediately.

waa waa i'm a whiny bitch who doesn't understand the points system and doesn't like when people bash Opeth so lets shut down a valuable metal resource site waaa :cry:
waa waa i'm a whiny bitch who doesn't understand the points system and doesn't like when people bash Opeth so lets shut down a valuable metal resource site waaa :cry:

waaaa I have nothing to contribute to this thread so I just troll away waaaa :cry:
I've contributed plenty. If you want to ignore that, go ahead. Pointing out some problems I have with a post in a thread you started sounds pretty reasonable to me.

To be honest, most of the people in that Metal-Archives thread didn't bash Opeth nearly as bad as people in this thread made out. If anything, many posters admitted to liking them, respecting them, thinking they were decent, etc. A lot of their criticisms are pretty valid, and I find criticism useful to read - even in cases of bands I like. It irks me to see people whinging on and on about people having different tastes than themselves. Call it what you like, but that is what this comes down to. Very few of those posters dismissed Opeth purely based on their fanbase.
Alright, I'm not necessarily saying that everyone on Metal-Archives is a dick, but the fact that select few have to come out and admit that they like Opeth is, to me, a pretty big statement.
waa waa i'm a whiny bitch who doesn't understand the points system and doesn't like when people bash Opeth so lets shut down a valuable metal resource site waaa :cry:

I understand the points system. The community there just seems really stuck up, and the way they word everything; it's as if they don't want any members except for a select few. Really, I don't think it's that valuable a metal resource. Anus and Wikipedia do just fine.

mooDoom said:
Heh from the FAQ:

Who is this Ultra Boris asshole, and why does he hate Opeth so much? Opeth r00lz!!!11

Shut up.

No tell me! Why does he review Opeth albums, he only likes gay 80's crap and speed/thrash!

I said: shut up. Can't you read?

Yeah, it's meant to be a metal archive, not a 'Metal archive for bands that we like, the rest can go get fucked.' But I suppose it's their choice. They can continue on their merry, deluded way.