young guitar #26?


happiness is jagermiester
Jan 15, 2004
anybody got this issue of young guitar? its all about alexi and has tabs for follow the reaper, i spit at your grave, and bodom after midnight as well as what he used to record these songs and such, i think im going to get a subscription to this mag, but its fuckin 150.00 a god damn year! :OMG: , although they do come with a cd/dvd every issue, but damn!
i wouldn't subscribe unless you can read Japanese... of course, tab is tab is tab, no matter what language. but for $150, it would be nice to be able to read the text.

or is there an English (or other language) edition of Young Guitar as well?
there isn't an engrish version, but me and gain have it, and we will try and get the tabs up as soon as possible. . .
bobvex said:
there isn't an engrish version, but me and gain have it, and we will try and get the tabs up as soon as possible. . .

Thanks, I'd like to know if the follow the reaper tabs I have are accurate.
I have it, I have it! I don't understand any japanese but anyway the japanese shit seems relevant. There's Alexi's biography, discography and a bunch of blabla you can find on the internet. What matters for the guitar players is pretty clear, the tabs are great and setups Alexi uses are also very clear for non-japanese speakers to understand.
it has a bit of everything in it, but yes it has the solos for BBT and Chokehold