Your best gig moments


Get your ass to mars!
Sep 13, 2008
Those awesome moments or particular songs from awesome awesome gigs that you remember more than any other.

GWAR - They chopped off Lucifer's head and went straight into Crush, Kill, Destroy. Awesome pit while being sprayed with blood. :lol:

Oh and Jesus Hilter...

3 Inches of Blood - Singing along to Deadly Sinners.

Evile (Bloodstock) - The circular and vast pit.

Soulfly (Bloodstock) - The general brutality of the crowd.
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I've only been to 2 concerts, Avenged Sevenfold and Black Tide in 07, and Linkin Park back in August. At the Avenged Sevenfold show, when they played "Bat Country", like 10 girls from the crowd all started dancing in lingerie on the stage :)

My uncle was like "o_O"
Pictures please.

Well obviously mine was my 1st time Evile when I saw Ol's facial expressions during the solos I was sold.
metallica at download 2006 playing orion in full was awesome an a performance i'll never forget. also slipknot back in 2005 was very good. think what you want of them but they are bloody good live
Metallica turning up and playing a secret gig in the tent at Download '03. They weren't on the bill but we heard a rumour that we assumed to be rubbish, went to check it out anyway. The tent was mobbed, we waited cynically, then when the intro to Blackened came over the P.A. I felt all the blood drain from my face as I realised they were really there. Man, I nearly passed out. I had never seen Metallica at that point and they were my second favourite band after Iron Maiden (who I'd seen headline the day before). They did a brutal old-school set with Damage inc, Creeping Death, Blackened, Harvester, No Remorse etc. Didn't even play Sandman! Easily stands out as the most memorable gig moment I've ever had. There are several billion others but that was the single most surprising one...
Meeting Onslaught at Damnation ha to be number one. I fucking love those guys, really really nice lads.

Pretty much every single time I've met the Evile guys has resulted in me nearly puking for laughter. Love those guys too!

BOA last year, meeting some of the UK Thrash crew kicked ass.

Priest Feast. Need I say more?

And.... Exodus last year/. Day before my 18th and I'm going for coffee with Gary Holt and Tom Hunting :lol: That was fucking amazing.

There're far too many to list really!!
The Extreme Steel Tour.

After Slayer destroying the crowd, a Sober Pantera hit the stage. The most insane floors I've ever seen. If you were in the stands at this stadium, the floors would of looked like a ocean in a hurricane, the whole floors were swaying. Just unbelievable, I have a VHS tape of both Slayer and Pantera. Unreal!!!

My First out door concert in the early 90's (Danzig, Sucidial Tendencies, and Metallica). Every kind of joe you could imagine was there. (Regular Joes, Metalheads, Punks, Bikers, Skinheads). Really crazy mixed bag of fans.
Metallica gig. Ive always loved Metallica and i did a Manchester Magnetic Flag. And James took my flag n put it on the amps and at the end he took it with him. And i caught one of Kirks guitar picks aswell. Justseeing Metallica live was amazing for me so Mr Caveman Ninja that must have been amazing to see them to a suprise gig!!

Tenacious D had its fun time. I vaulted over the barrier into the standing area and a security guard pelted it after me and i just kept running and running til it was seriously crowded and i got right up to the front.

Suffocation. Waiting outside and met them all and they asked us to take the gear in with them. Did a little roadying with Suffocation and that was great fun.

Before Cannibal Corpse, the doors opened and i thought "oh i need a drink". Met Corpsegrinder on the way for a drink n spoke with him for ages. Such a nice guy. And then the gig!!!! Oh my! THE BIGGEST wall of death i have ever seen happened and then it was funny after when about half the venue emptied before CoB came on stage.

Municipal Waste was awesome. Wildest crowd ive ever seen and i hope the Evile crowd can match that!
1st Motorhead concert i saw as it was my first proper concert

Priest Feast because the lineup kicked ass

Municipal Waste at download fest as they were so much fun

Airbourne at download watchin the singer climb the scaffolding with no harness or anything hang a flag up there then play a solo at the top
I went to see thunderlip in 2006 and the openin band was called hellrazor. this was back before I knew about the NWOTM an I was extatic when I found a band that was actually playing proper thrash/heavy metal again. dragonforce was an orgasmic experience as well.
All these posts sound like great fun.

I can tell that my favorite moment will be when Evile comes to Tampa/ St. Pete Florida *HINT HINT*
I think Municipal Waste upstairs in the Fenton in Leeds was my favourite actual gig experience, just after the release of Hazardous Mutation, on with a load of Hardcore bands and there was only about 4 metal fans in a room of 200 (with a capacity of 100 we were led to believe), I'll tell you now, Hardcore fans are better at gigs than metal fans, best atmosphere ever.

Apart from that possibly Nevermore at Rios a few years back, they were a man down but I still really enjoyed it.

And an honourable mention for Exodus, at old Jilly's with a crowd of about 40, at Bradford Rios with a crowd of about 200 and then at Leeds Rios, each time an awesome live band, despite playing to tiny crowds (although the Leeds crowd wasn't bad was it? I can't really remember...).

Oh and for 'Most Insane Live Experience' its Sunn O))), you can't even describe how it feels, physically. Insane.
My first gig, Ministry in Bristol and getting insanely drunk that night.

My second gig, Overkill, them playing Feel The Fire and COverkill (Motorhead's Overkill). And then meeting the band after was just amazing.

My third gig, Priest Feast. Need I say more?
Bungle Junior at Bloodstock were awesome. Especially the Mario theme they did at the end, everyone loved it.