your best maiden fanboy impression


May 2, 2005
In 3 paragraphs or less explain why Joey is the true voice of Anthrax, how the band changed it's sound to become grunge, and how POT may be the greatest music ever made.

Winner gets a free taco.
Oh, and don't do it in this thread. Just post it in any thread on nay topic. Hell, post it on other boards if you must.
"Do you know the album POT?????"

"Without Joey there would be no Anthrax!!!!!"

"Anthrax with Belladonna = Thrash, Anthrax with Bush = Grunge"

maidenboy's darkest hour:
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Blah blah blah blah blah Joey blah blah blah blah blah, blah thrash blah. Blah blah blah blah blah range. Blah blah blah blah blah Joey blah blah blah range, blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah thrash, blah Joey blah range blah blah blah.

Blah blah blah Bush blah blah blah monotone, blah blah blah completely changed blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah Bush blah blah grunge. Blah blah blah blah blah Rob’s purple guitar blah blah blah beanie blah blah blah grunge.
You !!! What is the law....not to like Bushthrax ...and you!!! what is the law!!! worship Joey Belladonna....One of you has broken the law!!!, Now!!!back to the house of pain !!!!!!
Oh wow my own special thread. This could have been a lot cooler. This is the best you all got? Weak! I don't feel the slightest bit insulted, I expect more from you Bushthrax nu metal homos
Bushthrax nu metal

Wait a second, I thought Bushthrax was officially declared Groove Rock by you and Thrashard? Since you are the authorities on music genres, isn't nu-metal a mix of Rap and Metal?
How many Bushthrax Rap-Metal songs were there again?
And, how many Bellathrax Rap-Metal songs were there?
Hmmm, when I do the Nu-Metal math... something just doesn't add up.
everybody who prefers Bush to Belladonna have dildos up their asses and fantasize about Bruce Willis fucking them.
Everyone that likes Bushthrax HATES the Joey Belladonna era because they know, deep down, that Joey Belladonna makes Bushthrax sound like a sweaty fat man farting right in your face at close range. It is impossible to be a fan of both eras of the band.
Anyone who disagrees with this opinion is lying, because no one in the whole world likes John Bush's voice, it sounds stupid and he has sex with all his fans in a big bed full of Scott Ian's faeces.

[Insert random, totally unamusing Youtube video here, posted by Thrashard]