children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
Oh damn I will not get my cam until next week. Sorry. But are you gonna put it on Sob if I fix you pics? That would be cool.
And also, I have Stockholm Knockout Live in normal cd case. A little bit different from everyone's else's.. You'll get some pics of that too if you want.
I own the CRY CD version too :Smug:

Ok there we go, I posted it in a COBOT thread, but here is it's place I supose.

As said (I've put Stone and Sinergy there because I see them as COB related stuff).

Left to right: COBHC hoodie, SW longsleeve, Guitar & Scythe hoodie, SW t-shirt, HCD hoodie and CRY t-shirt.

From Barcelona 06 show when Alexi broke his toe,

From Metal Hammer.

Last set. (on Metal Hammer, Allu is the one holding a green bottle at Kerry King's right)