Cob-forum member photogallery!

It's as u wish ..
U can put it as Van Halen or Laiho in YG vid, hanging, or make sure it won't move !
Far easier to use when u know where the bar is, if it's hanging because u're moving on stage it can be anywhere and u're always losing it!
And last but not least to do a fuckin' dive bomb and release when pitching a natural harmonic to do that awesome song Alexi's always doing it's far easier =)
And sounds sooooo great ..
U can tape on it gently making some weird rythms .. U can also put in the wrong direction and tape on it in order to get heigher notes on each tape ..
But it's just absolutly easier to use when it's non-hanging ..
On most of live Bodom pics you can notice Alexi fixed it ..
It's completly impossible to do some of Steve Vai's stuff when it's hanging ..
dude, youre completly wrong, why cant you do a thing on it when its hanging if you can when its sticked to one position? hanging bar gives you much more flexibility, more options, youre not "glued" to one position only, am I right?
Maybe your Jackson licenced floyd does like that, that is a thing I dont know.