Your Connection With Theocracy

Before Theocracy I used to listen to Kamelot and Apocalyptica (mostly their older songs), but wasn't really into metal and I wanted more christian stuff. As a kid of 15, some guy from school send me a little list of christian metal bands that he liked. Theocracy was on that list, and the first songs I listened to on Youtube were 'Oh Come Oh Come Immanuel' and 'Theocracy', which I instantly liked, and the rest is history.:)

As for a personal connection to the band; Other than talking to Jared for a few minutes last tour, I have none, just fitting the description of an enthusiastic fan.:loco:
Ryan M is a stalker, the only personal connection he has is through Matt's bathroom window, hahaha

Burn, man! BURN! ;).

My actual story:

Well a friend of mine had given the MoS CD to us to borrow, saying it was great. As soon as I put it in I was hooked. So yeah, a few months later I joined this forum. The only "personal" connection with the band members is the fact that I'm friends with one of the members on FB. I don't really communicate much... comment on Theo-related statuses sometimes. I used to talk with Val a lil bit, just trying to find out more about the band and stuff.

Some may call me a stalker, but I've never really really seen the band in person, so yeah. It can't really be official :lol:. I have talked with Shawn and Val before. Val, many times. Shawn, a few. :lol:

The only reason I don't talk that much anymore (other than a comment or a question VIA message every month or two) is the fact that I'm a lot busier than I was 1-2 years ago. I guess that it's a good thing, ey? :lol:

I would love to meet the band in person at a concert some day, and I plan to. I just hope I don't get a restraining order! JK!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

LOL. So yeah, that would be cool, to actually meet them.

I do actually have a few other band contacts. I've talked with Arno from Subsignal/Sieges Even. Anyone know them? LOL :lol:


Ermmmm... I'm friends with Zak Stevens (of CIIC/Savatage) on Facebook. I've never bothered talkin with him though. I'm sure he's extremely busy.
As far as meeting the band, I met them once at a show near Atlanta about two years ago. It was awesome - I chatted with them for a few minutes afterwards and brought my Theocracy shrine items with me and had them sign pretty much everything Theocracy I own (thanks y'all). It was a fairly long trip from VA but it was worth it to see and meet one of my favorite bands. I haven't met a lot of bands, but I have met them, Shadow Gallery, and Symphony X. So I've got several of my favorites already crossed off of the list :)

I was going to go see them again several months later, had hotel reservations and everything, but I got the swine flu :( Val was quite supportive though (via the Internet), and told me to drink a bunch of orange juice.
Hey Vacant_planets, getting a bit steamy with the younger members? :P

We all see it.


I think you're misusing the term troll, a troll is only around to get a rise out of people through negative comments, this is not an issue with me. The fact of the matter is that he has posted immature comments in my direction. And are you a WE? Seriously? You speak for everyone, eh?

Now wait....are you trolling me?

Ryan, I liked it better when you were a stalker! lol
Well, my connection goes back to a rainy August 27th some 30 odd years ago. I was driving down this country road in the middle of a storm, and I was having a hard time seeing because of all the rain. All of a sudden when I crested this hill, I saw a man in the middle of the road waving his arms wildly. Off to the side was his car parked on the shoulder with it's lights on. I stopped to see what was the problem, and the guy was all in a panic telling me that he was on the way to the hospital because his wife was in labor and the car had ran out of gas. It was too late to get her in my car and take her, so we decided to deliver the baby right there. Let me tell you it was no easy thing! After all was said and done it was an amazing thing to see the birth of a child. We didn't have anything to wrap the baby in except an old floor mat. And that is how Matt got his name. True story.
It was in the country, everybody can at that age. ;)

Haha... I lived in the country, and I wasn't allowed to do that! :(

I am just a fan. I got into them, like a year 1/2 ago, but I have never been to a concert.... (Darn dem, Europeans.... seein' Theocracy every e day!) :heh:
We have too much time on our hands. I would like to ask Matt's mom something: If you were MY mother, would you be allowing me to spend as much time as I do on this forum? xD
I started to get into power metal when I heard a hammerfall song on a youtube video, so I started listening to them quite a lot. I liked their music, but it always just seemed incredibly cheesy. I was browsing through wikipedia to see if I could find any decent christian metal bands that weren't metalcore, and I found Theocracy. A couple of youtube vids later(martyr and eagle's wings ftw) I was hooked.

As far as a personal connection... I shook Matt's hand and spent a few minutes talking to him after they played at the first Florida Powerfest a couple of years ago, but that's it.