Your Favorite Bands- Logo Wise?





The firsts ones that popped up, probably forgot alot.
LivingCadaver said:
well yea they're always the first bands I think of since they're my local bands. Pretty much all the good canadian death metal bands come from my province (Québec, the land of the frenchie ;)).

Any news on Augury?
LivingCadaver said:
the only bands that have release something this year are:


Martyr and Negativa will soon.

yes but i've heard that Augury is in the process of recording a new album
Agreed, I completely forgot about that one. Tiamat and Samael had great logos as well. Solitude Aeternus too. They should've stuck with their old logos.
i really like the simplicity of Bathory's and Burzums. but my favorite would have to be Opeths. it represents the music more than any of the other logos (bar some black metal ones) the "O" represents the softer more transcendant side of them, then the "peth" is the heavy demonic side.

/my two cents