Your favorite song of all time

Alice in Chains - Rotten Apple

I grew up on Alice in Chains and when I first heard this song when I was around 15 years old, I was hooked. They just had a sound that no other band could touch. This song in particular is just so unique.

Whoa...really? You've never heard AIC? Seeing as how yer a girl (no offense) and really liked Would, I feel it's my duty to point you in the direction of their following album, Jar of Flies. Dirt is my favorite from AIC but Jar of Flies is even more heartbreakingly beautiful.
Yeah, I'm not a Seattle native.. just live here for 2 years. I used to listen to Nirvana and Pearl Jam as a kid, but never AiC.. But I'm about to get into them. I bought Dirt and listening to the new one right now.. I'll pick up Jar of Flies next :)
In my opinion and after listening to it constantly over the past two days, I have to say that I think BGWTB is on par with Dirt. It's just as good, but in a different way.

Jar of Flies is beautiful and sad but that entire album isn't nearly as sad and beautiful as the title track to BGWTB. There are great songs on that album but after hearing the new one it pales in comparison, imo.

These guys have really turned the music world upside down with this release. I think BGWTB is to AIC what the black album was to Metallica...speaking strictly financially and of superstardom.
Nick Cave srsly

In the interest of not making people's browsers go down in flames, I'll post this as a link and not a tag.

I don't have a "favorite" song, but this song is awesome
Good Ship Venus

edit: Guess it doesn't matter anymore. Oh well. DIE FIREFOX.
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