Your favourite guitar solo?


valfri baguette
Oct 19, 2007
curious to see what your favourite guitar solo is by AA and your favourite guitar solo is EVER:kickass::kickass::rock::rock:

My favourite guitar solo by AA is the one in North Sea Storm
and my favourite guitar solo ever is in the song The Jester Race by In Flames
Favourite guitar solo by AA is North Sea Storm for me too.

favourite guitar solo ever has to be Wintersun - Death and the Healing.
my fav. solo is the end of amon amarth cuz its the longest amon solo, and its just simply amazing
and in ride for vengeance solo
the virsion of victoruis march, where it has 2 solos, one at the mis 4 and the other at the end
kalmah, hades solo
as far as my fav. AA solo, i dont know right now. ill have to give the older stuff a spin to refresh my memory.
but my favorite ever is Staring through the eyes of the dead by Cannibal Corpse