your first guitar

Fender strat, mexican version. I'd keep playing it but it's simply outclassed when it comes to shredding with jacksons or ESP's. I still love it to death though, playing on 9 gauge strings in D/C. Gotta love easy wide vibratos.
I started out with some $99 Classical, it was the shittiest thing ever, everytime i tuned the strungs the plastic brige came closer to flying off. Then I got some Gibson/Baldwin Signature Series Les Paul. Much Better but the nut was crap, kept buzzing my strings and pullin them too close to the frets. But finally about 3 weeks ago I got a Jackson DXMG Dinky with Floyd Rose tremolo, MG Series. Onyl took about 4 years but i can finally play in tune.
my first guitar was like a squier strat. i got it for my birthday when i was 9 and played it until i was 13. by then i had found out that you can't sweep pick on that piece of shit so i saved up and bought a jackson dk2m dinky and i loved it. i took my old strat and smashed it in my drive way.
my first guitar was a BC Rich Warlock Bronze Edition. Wasn't bad at all, just never got around to playing much, though once, my debts are paid and once I have a car, I'm getting a new guitar from Ran Guitars and going to start shredding the fuck out of it \m/
Mine was a ESP 100, it sounded terrible and was poorly built. I was 14 and had just started listening to metallica which is pretty much what inspired me to buy a guitar
Squire Strat. for me. Still have it.I then upgraded to an Epiphone Les Paul classic.

My first instrument was the violin. I hope to start playing it again.
search Michael Angelo Batio and you'll see what it is
I know about sweeping. But my understanding is that when sweeping you sorta strum - there's no crazy unique picking style.
But looking back I'm pretty sure he just meant sweeping.

Squire Strat. for me. Still have it.I then upgraded to an Epiphone Les Paul classic.

My friend has one of those. He upgraded the pickups to a JB and a Jazz. It's crap for rhythm but the lead tone's really great. I don't like those bridges, though.
my first guitar was a starter strat copy with a 10watt combo ibanez amp. i remember not changing the settings ever until one year later (although i had switched from clean to distortion) and discovered that without mid it sounded heavy :p
my first guitar was a starter strat copy with a 10watt combo ibanez amp. i remember not changing the settings ever until one year later (although i had switched from clean to distortion) and discovered that without mid it sounded heavy :p

Epic fail.
1st: some Dean ripoff of a strat for 100 bucks

2nd (current): BC Rich Bronze Warlock
Good old Ibanez gio starter kit was mine :D
Actually really nice guitar for the price, whack some new pickups on it, and you have a really good guitar on a budget.
Used Honfer something or other strat that had reversed nut and strings for me since I'm left handed. It also had bite marks on the back of the neck from a dog. Awful, awful guitar.
My first guitar was a Squier Strat with a small Fender amp. It's a shitty guitar, the strings broke all the time because the neck started to bend to a twisted position in about half a year, causing that the upper strings wouldn't ring at all because they were touching the fretboard. I still occasionally play it, if I want to practice something real quick, and it's handy for composing, since I keep my main guitar (Schecter) at our band house. I just bought some new D'Addario strings, but I'm kinda afraid to even string the guitar with them because they would be broke in no time.