Pic of Your Gear

aria pro...boring
ibanez rg.... well it plays fucking awsome
bc r.. warlock bass ... :grin:
bass amp 150watt from my dad
amp marchall 40watts enought for me (just a kid that is 17)
amp jim harley 10watt
amp ...old :loco: 15watt
boss metal zone mt-2
boss enhancer
boss octave
dunlop plectrum from arch enemy 1.2mm :grin: i bought that one from my neighbour
i got a dunlop 1mm plectrum from machine head singer that was awsome
and a couple of mics
My New Toy

My other guitar


Squire lefty P-Bass Special (except mine is red)
but since I have no will power to practice I really only can play the most rudimentary punk stuff - its a good thing I went cheap because with all the money I saved from my wife's dog attack lawsuit winnings, she was able to buy me the Bose Wave desktop cd player, which I love the fuck out of.