Pic of Your Gear

NicodemiX said:
Dude, I just found out last night that Ibanez has a prestige series 7-string, since you like that brand, you might want to check it out. I still like my Schecter of course, since the floyd on the Ibanez would undoubtably cause me no end of grief. (Although I do plan on buying a floyd equipped seven string one day, I'll probobly be looking at the universe or a John Petrucci model then :D )

yeah... I saw that - but i like very few ibanez's... they're really a beginner guitar series... i think - except for the high high end rg's...

If i was going for an Ibanez 7 i would get a universe - but like i said... that schecter looks pretty hot - and i could buy it now... no problemo - how are you enjoying yours? could you give me details on it?
I think I'm fully adjusted to the seven now, it really hurts your wrist at first because of the added thickness of the neck, but I was playing classical guitars with thick ass necks for about a year now so the transistion wasn't too bad. but ive found that when I pick up 6 strings now, I can play them a lot better. :D I am Yeah, there's no real issues, I put on Schaller straplocks ajoying it very, very greatly. If it had a vagina I wouldn't need women ever again. :p (This of course, is a hyperbole). I'm thinking of getting EMG-707s put in, but I should save up and get a better amp first. I'm looking at 5150 because it sounds good and is at least $1000 less than the widely used and mesa rectumfiers. I'll probobly go for it after this summer.
I think it's funny how LOM and Nico always seem to be trying to pick up on this board. Is it just me or does anybody else see this? For instance, whenever a female member posts a picture of herself they are always both there with their *drools* and assorted colourful remarks. Meh. Maybe I'm just too observant.
Well alas i have no picture of me with my guitar...i may remedy that soon...i have a Peavy Predator...it looks like a strat...but GUESS WHAT! IT DONT SOUND LIKE A STRAT! nor does it play like one...strange, that one...my amp is dead..it went boom or something...
Karen, do you actually play that?
NicodemiX said:
I think I'm fully adjusted to the seven now, it really hurts your wrist at first because of the added thickness of the neck, but I was playing classical guitars with thick ass necks for about a year now so the transistion wasn't too bad. but ive found that when I pick up 6 strings now, I can play them a lot better. :D I am Yeah, there's no real issues, I put on Schaller straplocks ajoying it very, very greatly. If it had a vagina I wouldn't need women ever again. :p (This of course, is a hyperbole). I'm thinking of getting EMG-707s put in, but I should save up and get a better amp first. I'm looking at 5150 because it sounds good and is at least $1000 less than the widely used and mesa rectumfiers. I'll probobly go for it after this summer.

yah - 7 string necks are no problem for me. I don't know why. They've just never caused a big problem. Usually when i play one i fuck up once or twice in the first few minutes b/c of the extra string... but that goes away really fast. If I owned one it wouldn't happen at all I'm sure.

All this guitar talk reminds me that I need to see a doctor - my wrists are acting up and I think I may have carpal tunnel or tendonitis.
"I think it's funny how LOM and Nico always seem to be trying to pick up on this board. Is it just me or does anybody else see this? For instance, whenever a female member posts a picture of herself they are always both there with their *drools* and assorted colourful remarks. Meh. Maybe I'm just too observant."

Isn't it remarkably confusing how one minute we are gay anal brothers and the next we are straight horny young lads?

"this might be the last time you tell me"
