CoT said:
How many games I've fully completed? None at all, if I ask Rusty. There are a few where I've completed all missions/mainquests on normal difficulty, but that's enough for me. And how do you fully complete the Civilization games? Is it enough to have the highest score after year 2010/2050, or must I play a huge map on the highest difficulty level and then conquer the entire world?
...with each nation, yes.

That is if the nation you are makes a difference. It seemed to on Civ, but I never had the booklet so I wasn't sure whether it really did or I was just imagining it.

But yeah okay, I suppose some games are impossible to "complete" in the way I mentioned.
I was just wondering how many people get so addicted to a certain game that they feel compelled to do
everything, and how often it happens. It doesn't happen often with me, certainly. I've completed Street Fighter II on the SNES with all characters on the highest difficulty level, but I had to continue thousands of times on each. Now it's been so long since I've played that I'd probably struggle with Ryu on a normal difficulty level. I've finished all 96 (I think) levels on Super Mario World (SNES), but I'm not sure if that's fully completed since one of my brothers told me there was a hidden 97th level and I never knew whether to believe him or not. I once had a go at winning all races in all championships with all characters on Super Mario Kart, but I don't remember achieving it so I suppose I never did.
For the N64 I completed Goldeneye all on the hardest difficulty and unlocked all the cheats, which was a good feeling.

And for Perfect Dark I've unlocked all cheats and completed everything except the final bonus level on the highest difficulty. I must get back to trying that. I've also done all the challenges on single-player too, if I remember correctly - not knowing anyone else who's really good at it makes it hard to do them on 2, 3, and 4-player. I completed Mission: Impossible too, but there's not so much to it. And as I mentioned earlier in the thread, MRC.

What an utter waste of £40.
That's all there is. I don't feel the need to do all the quests in Morrowind, or find all the secrets in the Zelda games I've got, or anything else really, those games above were the only ones that took me.