Your job/hobbies

Since I last posted in this thread the main thing that's changed is that I've joined a band and am playing music again. It's so much fun to be able to go and rock the fuck out whether it be at a gig or rehearsal. Social media has made things a whole lot easier also; getting and promoting gigs, group chats pre-gig about arrangements and backline, promotion of releases and activities etc. I'd forgotten what a rush it is to play a really good set when the whole band are tight as fuck and the crowd are loving it.
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Haha not secret, no. I've spoken about the band a fair bit in the musician's thread but I guess not many people look in there.

I'm not a muso these days I'm not allowed in there :)

Can you replicate the EP cover at the shows?
Work at a printshop. 8.5 years

Guns, an expensive hobby and right now ammo is hard to come by. Bah!

Comics, also expensive, but I love them.

Guitar, I'd play more if I had people to play with. Springfield totally sucks dick for original music.

Mtn biking, I love the shit out of it. Started riding for the sole purpose of losing weight, now I love it


Forgot my favorite one...... D&D!
Same job. 14 years. what a fucking loser!
Don't really shoot much anymore, although it's fun as shit
Comics. I only buy trades now
guitar. Totally gave up playing music. worth it
Biking. Went from a 5 mile commute to a 20 mile commute. I ride the trails as much as possible too.
I'm not career minded at all. I did a 4 year IT degree majoring in software engineering, but I'll be quite pleased if I never find myself in the high-pressure work environment that normally goes with it. It was the ideal choice for me though. Any subject other than mucking around on computers to that level would've been an uphill struggle. The degree had a work component to push us out of the nest, meaning we had to go and get jobs and work a certain number of hours before we earnt the degree, even if it was just data entry for an IT company or something like that. The 3rd job I got as part of it was in the utilities/construction industry, which is where I've stayed up to this point, previously full-time for 11 years and now on a part-time contractor basis for the same company. I got to be a bit of a jack of all trades with it, doing not just software development, but database administration, creating reports, setting up web applications and so on. I need to prepare for the possibility that that work could dry up, because otherwise I'd find myself a bit lost.

My main hobby is just geeking out on listening to music and going to an insane amount of live shows. But insane for here is just a couple a week and mostly local bands. There's not a crazy amount of internationals coming through so it's relatively easy on the bank account. Nearly half the time I'm seeing rock/mixed genre gigs or other random shit now. I used to stick more to an even balance of punk and metal shows but the punk goodness died off a bit and that's now at more like a 1:3 ratio.

Other hobbies are wasting time on the internet and watching movies, plus a bit of making noise music, programming for fun, art/writing and the list goes on so I rarely ever finish anything significant.
Just put in my notice Monday to start work in the accounting department at a titanium processing facility. Can't wait to wear my ''Metal Fan" t-shirt and chuckle privately about that.

My entire life is career, school, video games, and spiders. Not on purpose I'm just really that dull. Occasional interjections of new hobbies I get bored of quickly or revisit later.
Update: I got assigned to the website redesign project for work since the QA person leading it was part of the massive layoff. I've opened 14 defect tickets in the last 4 days of things I've found wrong with the website already.
Work: "We are going to place suggestion boxes around the the building so you can leave management honest, anonymous feedback"
Also work: *places boxes right next to security cameras*

Yeah fuck you
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Had a week of vacation from work so I snagged a part time job at a gun range and worked there about 15 hours this week to train. I'll be working one weekend day per work week going forward. Not much money but I'll make enough over the course of a year to accomplish my goals
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Job: Process operator, working at a iron ore raffinery maintaining the process. Also includes driving wheel loader (Volvo 350F for the ones who might care) and operating the loading of boats, up to 66000 tons at a time and emptying train carts that deliver the raw ore, emptying them into big silos.

Hobbies: Drummer, motorcycle in the summer and snowmobile in the winter. While not doing that i game, while eating stuff so i maintain my round figure fit for a gamer and lazy bastard.
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