Your job/hobbies


Active Member
Dec 10, 2005
Saint Louis
It's been several years since I made one of these threads, and there are a lot of new people I don't know now.

I'm about to graduate college with an Econ/Finance degree and am contemplating what do to do next. Currently intern for an investment firm, work as a receiver at a grocery store, and umpire high school and college baseball.

On the side I make hiphop/pop beats, play keyboards in a band, play baseball, workout, and play poker at casinos.

Wat da hell do you people do with your lives?

--Adjunct English Instructor at Long Beach City College. I teach two sections of Composition there. Absolutely love it compared to when I taught at CSULB.

--Receiver/Vitaminss Clerk at Sprout's. I help people poop and tell dirty jokes with truck drivers.


--Beer. Brewing and consuming

--Hiking (mostly only during summer)

--I've recently started cooking a lot more because my girlfriend never cooks. I actually really like it and find it to be very therapeutic

--Recently started going back to the gym
I'm a PhD candidate in English and American literature at Boston University, and a teaching fellow for the English and writing programs. The course I'm teaching next semester is going to be on the American Gothic.

On the side, I read all the shit I don't have time to in class in order to try and broaden my interests and make myself more assimilable to various teaching positions in the future.

I also play guitar, although not as much as I used to; but I love it, and try to pick it up once every day.


Mike, do you sell/ship any of your brews?
Just graduated with my Bachelor's in English/minor in History.

For the summer I'm working for my dad, mostly carpentry, some auto repair. Kind of a handyman/odd jobs position, doing the stuff he doesn't have time to do since he is busy running his business.

I play guitar pretty often. Now that I've graduated I've been cruising through some novels, which is nice. I also like to work out, and occasionally I'll run. Biking is awesome too. I'm also in the process of building a lute, I'm not very far along though.

Soon I'll have the fun hobby of paying off my student loans.
Work: Currently a CSA for Lowe's.

School: Wrapping up my AA this semester, waiting for all my paperwork to process to transfer to the ECU Psych department.

Hobbies: Discussions with Patrick :cool:

Seriously though, I barely have the time to do any "hobbies" right now, between work/school/family. Constant battle for the little time I have for me between reading books, keeping current on news, and playing the occasional game on Madden or MW3.

Phone jockey "selling" tickets for various performing arts, sports teams and sporting events around the US. I'm also attending college part time and working towards a graphic design associate's degree. Oh yeah, and full time parent. :)


I love to shop and find a great thrill when encountered with bargains. I enjoy going for walks at a few locals parks/woodland areas. I also enjoy constantly discovering "new" music, watching shitty horror movies and hanging out with my son, family, friends and boyfriend. My interests outside of metal are fairly normal.
Work: I'm a nanny and work at Guitar Center.
School: Uhh... Community College? Haha.
Hobbies: My hobbies are kind of lame. I play violin and do girly things like shopping.
I'm a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. I've been in for almost 13 years not. I'm a Civil Engineer and my career field is Water and Fuels Systems Maintenance. We mainly deal with plumbing (interior/exterior) and liquid fuels (handling the fuels systems that provide the fuel for aircraft). The base I'm at now also has military working at the water plant and waste water treatment plant. Currently, I'm at the waste water plant.

Metal music obviously, muscle cars, drinking beer (I like to try many different types rather than just sticking with one), horror/comedy movies, gaming, etc...
Job: Not working. In the middle of a career shift. Old job paid well and perks out the ass but not worth the stress and aggravation. Fuck all if you can't be happy at it.

Hobbies: Cooking, collecting music, camping, biking, shooting (when I could afford it :(), gaming, movies...
Job: Just starting my M.S. in Biochemistry. Will teach/supervise a couple chemistry labs in the fall.

Hobbies: Internet forums, listening to music, and daydreaming.
School: 10th grader in high school. Probably going to go to Community College after HS, and going try to transfer to a UC or CSU after a couple years.

Work: Don't have one yet, but might find a job during the summer.

Hobbies: Listening to metal (obviously), watching hockey (Ducks fan), and I'm going to start playing hockey next year. I also want to learn how to play the Bass, and possibly the guitar too. I'm also getting back into working out.
Work: I work at a bookstore at a hisotrical landmark in LA and tutor on the side.

School: Starting a Masters of Education/ teaching credential (English) program in the Fall at UCLA. My goal is to teach at low-income high schools.

Hobbies: My main hobby is writing. I'm working on my first novel right now. I also write reviews for several music websites. I'm also big on exercise (swimming, lifting and biking). Watching sports- football, soccer and basketball.
Work: I do some babysitting from time to time.
School: I have a year left in completing my BS in Electronic Engineering.
Hobbies: Building DIY electronics projects, movies, playing and watching football (not american football).
Work: Tutoring/teaching Math.

School: I just completed my M.A. in Mathematics, walking next month.

Hobbies: Hiking, Listening to music (Metal, Classical, Jazz, Electronica, Blues, Funk), Playing guitar, Photography
Work: Nonprofit secretary/event organizer/bookkeeper/program information dispenser/salesperson. Sometimes work a shift here and there at the farmer's market or bakery downtown.

School: I went to college

Hobbies: Running, lifting weights, hitting a tennis ball back and forth with PP, cooking and eating, trying new restaurants, playing music, seeing music, hiking, experimenting with bath salts, vacations