Your least favorite PQ songs?

Blinded No More

Christian power metaller
Feb 18, 2011
Beyond the blue horizon :D
I know Steve will probably slap me in the face for this, but.... what are your LEAST favorite PQ songs? My least favorite is probably Civilized?, although it does have an amazing solo, it's just too depressing for me.
Oh Steve is far more accommodating than that but in answer to the question...erm I don't think I have one. Sounds faboi-ish but I've always said PQ were one of the few bands who just haven't managed to make a song I don't like. If pushed, maybe the demo tracks with ZP singing :p
Time to Burn is one of my favorites!

I think my least favorite would be something from Master of Illusion... Not a fan of a lot of songs there, doesn't mean they're bad though! Probably Hearts and Voices.
I'm glad you're open to the subject Steve! Even with my most favorite bands, I do have some songs that just don't click with me, and I always find it interesting to discuss with other fans what those songs are for them... interesting how one person's least favorite track could be another's favorite!

Not to say that the songs are bad, of course - far from it!
Interesting subject...and of course I'm not going to slap anyone for having an opinion!

As for Civilised being depressing......well I guess it should be as it's based on real life events, which are often depressing

Exactly, Steve. I'm just a little bit leary of darker/sadder lyrics in the power metal genre, but that's just me. As a matter of fact, I will put it this way: Master Of Illusion was the first PQ album I bought, prior to that I had only heard Glory Tonight, Wings Of Forever, Far Away, and Temple Of Fire.

Me upon hearing first 3 tracks: "Is this a different Power Quest than the one I heard on YouTube?"

Upon hearing Kings Of Eternity: "That's more like it!!"
I finally feel like an old-timer on the forum - I can recall the days before Master of Illusion was announced, and then when we finally got a sneak peak of Human Machine, we went nuts!
Power Quest are one of very few bands of which I can honestly say I don't think any of their songs are bad. That being said, there is one song that is definitely my least favourite by PQ and that is 'Master of Illusion'.
As do I! Any particular reason why these songs don't click with you all? For me, Hearts and Voices just lacks something. Mostly, though, I just don't care for the chorus, and how often it's repeated at the end. :p
As do I! Any particular reason why these songs don't click with you all? For me, Hearts and Voices just lacks something. Mostly, though, I just don't care for the chorus, and how often it's repeated at the end. :p

'Master of Illusion' just excites me the least of all PQ songs. I can't explain exactly why, but I particularly don't like the sound of the chorus.

As for some of the other songs mentioned by others, I do like 'Soulfire' and 'Civilised?' is a song I didn't particularly take to at first but grew on me over time. It is now one of my favourites from MoI.