Your Line

I'm kind of surprised I'm seeing people say they won't listen to anything that isn't in English. I mean, Ulver's "Bergtatt" or Dimmu's "Stormblast" would have a totally different feel if they were sung in English. There is something about the languages they were performed in that give it a certain feel I really enjoy.
Almost as dumb as not liking female vocals. (Although, female extreme vocals, I could almost agree with)
I think saying "I draw the line at shitty music" is dumb btw but yeah whatever.

Very much. Considering that what consitutes 'shitty music' varies from person to person, everyone and his mother draws the line at that. So, the person isn't really saying much by saying that he/she draws the line at 'shitty music', even tho the person may think they are being intellectually superior or something by not drawing especific lines or whatever.
Very much. Considering that what consitutes 'shitty music' varies from person to person, everyone and his mother draws the line at that. So, the person isn't really saying much by saying that he/she draws the line at 'shitty music', even tho the person may think they are being intellectually superior or something by not drawing especific lines or whatever.

Agreed, I guess it's a half ass attempt at being funny.
Any metal that is overly folky (Stuff like Eluveitie or Ensiferum is fucking gay)
Any metal that is unstructured and haphazardly written (Opeth Syndrome I like to call it)
Very much. Considering that what consitutes 'shitty music' varies from person to person, everyone and his mother draws the line at that. So, the person isn't really saying much by saying that he/she draws the line at 'shitty music', even tho the person may think they are being intellectually superior or something by not drawing especific lines or whatever.

Or it's a way of saying "I'm not willing to say that any particular style or element of or within music is an automatic no", which is more or less the case for me. You didn't even explain what it was about that Suicide Silence song that crossed your line; my first assumption would be that you too consider it 'shitty music'.
Or it's a way of saying "I'm not willing to say that any particular style or element of or within music is an automatic no", which is more or less the case for me.

By which, just as with saying that you draw the line at shitty music, you wouldn’t be answering the thread, since you are not specifying at what point any particular style or element becomes a “no” for you.

To get back to that Suicidal Silence song or the band and style of music (Deathcore) for that matter; to focus on one element (leaving aside the misplaced break downs, jump-da-fuck-up type riffs and what not), the hysterical screams is something I don’t like and find annoying. I don’t like them specially on death metal (in brutal/slam death in particular where they are used often) and I feel they do not fit the music, as opposed to the growls which match well the guitar tuning and instrumentation used in death metal. Suicidal Silence (and Deathcore in general) only multiplies this problem.

On the other hand, I don’t mind that kind of screams in black metal; since I feel they go well with the music and the guitar tuning as well and so in that context they can work for me.
I can't stand everything that is polished and modern sounding. Alot of that metalcore crap gives me cancer. Also I massivly dislike electronic or sterile computer shaped music and that kinda stuff.

I can listen to alot of genres. Of course old-school Death and Thrash metal are my favorites and I also like Doom/Stoner metal alot. Iam really open-minded to other music but it just never happens that I really listen to something interesting of other genres.
I draw the line at music that either doesn't make me feel anything, or just repulses me. I like music with attitude and energy, whether upbeat or crushingly depressing. I hate mellow and soppy music. I dislike music with little or no melody, which rules out most metalcore. I dislike technical music with a clinical sound. It needs to be balanced with lots of atmosphere.

It's mainly the catchiness and the particular sound (eg. how atmospheric, production, the vocalist) that determines whether the music interests me or bores me.
By which, just as with saying that you draw the line at shitty music, you wouldn’t be answering the thread, since you are not specifying at what point any particular style or element becomes a “no” for you.

To get back to that Suicidal Silence song or the band and style of music (Deathcore) for that matter; to focus on one element (leaving aside the misplaced break downs, jump-da-fuck-up type riffs and what not), the hysterical screams is something I don’t like and find annoying. I don’t like them specially on death metal (in brutal/slam death in particular where they are used often) and I feel they do not fit the music, as opposed to the growls which match well the guitar tuning and instrumentation used in death metal. Suicidal Silence (and Deathcore in general) only multiplies this problem.

On the other hand, I don’t mind that kind of screams in black metal; since I feel they go well with the music and the guitar tuning as well and so in that context they can work for me.

lol, the op framed a question implying a certain viewpoint that exists among all people. Disagreeing with the thread's premises is a perfectly valid way of replying to it. I don't see how one that doesn't automatically dismiss anything with a certain trait is somehow an pretentious dick. If the op was at least a little more permissive, yeah there are certainly traits out there that generally turn me off, but it's not a set rule like SPEAK ENGLISH OR DIE.

If answering with more general qualities isn't also defying the op in your eyes, I'll say that when I'm walking around on campus and hear kids strumming two chords in public while singing about the trite niceties in their lives with a smug smile on their face, I want to destroy them. The singer/songwriter/folk and twee pop artists that influenced them are usually only a little more sufferable. Fuck Dylan.
That's not the whoopsy doopsy let's be happy kind of positive I meant.

An excellent way to describe it. I don't go for positive either - I'd say that's where I draw my line too - but I enjoy Blind Guardian, because it's not, as you would say, "whoopsy doopsy let's be happy" music. All the same, a lot of power metal bands do come off as insipid.
99% of black metal with its trebly nonsense about winter, pagan gods, buzzing guitars and god awful vocals.....

female vocalists, any genre

anything where lyrics aren't in English

And then even when they are in English, I can't stand anything Japanese because they take a lot of goofball 80s metal tropes at face value and it comes off as beyond stupid.

Get the coloreds and the gays out of my music too, while you're at it. And none of those damn jews and gingers.
I can see you're trying to be funny. Perhaps you don't understand. I like good lyrics from a guy's perspective. Be it metal, hip hop, country, whatever. That's what I can relate to. Race doesn't matter - as long as I can understand the lyrics (and it's not a poor translation with massive grammar mistakes) and get behind the sentiment.

Why is this so hard to understand. It's always "OMG TEH SEXISM!!!!!" when I'm just saying if I can't relate the lyrics/delivery to MY LIFE, I am not interested. I also don't listen to gore lyrics - even at their most audible. Because they don't say anything.
Yeah, the whole 'I can't relate to female singers' thing really doesn't compute for me; but whatever floats his icebreaker, I guess.
For every bunch of males singing about a given topic, there's bound to be a female singing about exactly the same thing somewhere. Doesn't mean they're easy to find though.