your nicknames

mine come from when i was young, people tought i look just like the the litte man on the pilsbury product so they gave me pits for nickname cause in quebec we say pitsbury and not pilsbury hihi

that the story
>My nick name is italian and shud be tempesta di ossa

oh i thought it was something like goddess of the tempest...

@Rappion: nice!! great choice :-)

my nick should be obvious to power metal lovers (and so it should be obvious to EVERYONE! but it's far from a perfect world :-P)
it's probably the best song of definitively the best album of absolutely the best (and maybe the first) power metal band of all time, Helloween :-) (old Helloween at least)
Mine came from my gym teacher. I read this tabloid called Weekly World News that talks about Bigfoot, UFO's, and half-human half-animal freaks, one of which is Bat Boy, and shit like that. Since I became known for reading these things When I ran for SGA I put a picture of Bat Boy up on one of my posters and the gym teacherloved it so much he started calling me Bat Boy until he had a drem one night that I was a Bible Church minister yelling at him for not praying enough. Weird. Anyhow after that he started calling me Reverend Bat Boy and I now use it for everything I can.
My name means "Smelly Ass"... it's in japanese Ketsukusa, is like a combination of STINK and ASS. so if I translate it, it'll be like STASS.
the name is actually not for my nick, but for my productions,so I decided to use it here.
everyone has stink asses.
i dont know exactly why, but one day last year i was reading a book - "american combat aircraft" that a commander of the us navy gave me and took a word from it and changed the fuckin word as well. i liked it and started to use the nick.

a couple of days ago, i discovered that 'mohawk' is an algonquin term wich means "eaters of men" and that the mohawks were a north-american tribe that sometimes practiced cannibalism in order to obtain the strength of their conquered enemies.

boy, this post made me hungry. i hope the story doesnt seem gay (at least i'm not lying hehehe)
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
Hey dude!
you´ve been away for a while huh?
Damn, i can´t look at your avatar and NOT laugh!!! :lol:

"Look at me! I have Jesus in my heart, and I´m a happy person!^


Yeah.. I was off doing other things on the net... :lol:

But still you're on the whole religious thread that we had a while ago and my views on everything... :rolleyes:
a yeti is the fabled tibetan abominable snowman, i just throw an extra t on there, i got it as a fraternity nickname becuse im really tall(about 6'8). really white, and really goofy.
There is a story behind my nick. I was sitting in class about two years ago, and my friend had one of those pencil cases with the pockets in front that you can put letters in to spell your name. Anyway, "Davies" was on it. I decided I wanted to mess it up and rearrange it, so I sat there and played with it for a while and came up with "Vidaes", and I thought that looked and sounded really cool, but would look and sound even better with a U in it. And voila! Vidaeus (pronounced Vi-day-us, not Vi-dee-us or anything stupid like that). Anyway, about a year later, I found out that it actually fucking meant something in Latin, "the one who sees" or something like that, "vid" as in "video", and that scared the shit outta me. But anyway, it's original, as far as I know, nobody else in the world uses it. If you see somebody somewhere named Vidaeus, it's probably me. :)
Originally posted by chainek
213 is one of my favorite slayer songs. That was also my house address at one time which was pretty cool.

You do know that it refers to Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment number? Are you sure you haven't lived in Dahmer's apartment? :lol:

On-topic: My nick is from a song called Voice of God, by The Black League.
Just had to come up with one when I registrered onto UM so I chose seventi, easily explained because I like the 70's:grin:

Sometimes I go under the nick "Ex Nihilo" which is a cool latin word which means "Out of nothing"

My two cents:)
Originally posted by Voice of God
You do know that it refers to Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment number? Are you sure you haven't lived in Dahmer's apartment? :lol:

Yeah, I heard that. A sick fucker he is. It was a house anyways and not an apartment. Some weird shit happened in that house though. Like for one thing, im the middle of the night an alarm clock went off for no aparent reason and it was flashing '666' where it is suppose to show the time. I didn't see it though. I heard my sister wake up screaming and she unplugged the alarm clock before I could see it. She didin't sleep in her room for 3 days after that so i'm pretty sure it was true. Interesting anyways.