Your nicks...

This nick was given me by higher powers.

or then it just accidentally appeared into my mind as I was trying to make a nick somewhere and I've used this thenceforth. I think it might be related to quicksilver or something.
Well, I got the name "TyranT" yearssssss ago from games we'd play around the neighborhood as kids.

I always ran shit, and was pretty much a dick about making sure everything went the right way... "my way"... plus we all chose codenames for ourselves, cuz we thought we were mercenaries or some shit [c'mon, I was like 7 years old], and while everyone else took weak names like "Cobra" and "Sniper", I took "TyranT", and capitalized it on both ends due to it's EXTREME greatness. =)

TyranT was always jacked though, and I hated number combinations. I used to use TyranTc2k, and i do on AIM and IRC... the c2k is "coming 2 kill".... hahah

Anyhow, J and TyranT are the two things I was always known as, so... I just put `em together sometimes. Also known as Tha Ill Kid, The Illest Boricua, The Cynic Supreme... that's about it.

Mine's from an Enslaved song as well. I had to pick a nick for the Blind Guardian BB and so I picked Smirr. And since I was too lazy to make up another one for this forum, I just kept it.
Ymir is a colossus in the Nordic mythology. He is killed by Odin and his brothers and then they make the earth out of him.

Hellspawn@: Hellspawn is a band too. I haven't listen it but it is kind of black metal I think.
About less than 4-5 months ago I used to listen only for 2 bands: Children Of Bodom & In Flames. They were only death metal bands (or whatever their style is) I knew. So here it goes Children Of Bodom + In Flames = ChildInFlames :)
Well, for me it is a combo of how I can "be" and my name.

I was always terrible with coming up with an online name for myself. Finally, a Swedish guy I was dating at the time said to me "just call yourself Evil Shell and get it over with"...and I did. And the name stuck.

Evil is because of several things. I can be a true bitch if you cross me (and I mean *really* cross me). Some people have a misconception that I'm evil because of the music I listen to ;) (I'm sure most of you can relate to this!).

Shell is short for my real name, Shelley.

Put 'em together, Evil Shell is born.

When I came back to the radio station, they also started to call me that it is not only my online name, but my on the radio name, too.
I think all of you know what a dwarf is :)
some good friends who were very into heroic fantasy always used to joke with me about my small size =) so the finnally ended to nickname me "the high dwarf" (after others like willow, the gnomish, ect...)

so this board nick is a mix between my name and my nick


Btw , i'm now nicknamed "tsaky", due to my unpronounceable greek last name :)
Originally posted by Phildwarf
Btw , i'm now nicknamed "tsaky", due to my unpronounceable greek last name :)

greek last name????? cool :) do you have relatives in Greece??
perhaps you are half-greek??

unprounacable? not for me ;)
I guess you all know Morgana, priestess of Avalon...

Since a little kid this legend fascinated me, so I picked this name. On many boards it's already used, then I try the nick DarkMorgana or LadyMorgana.

From my look I don't really fit to her, 'cause I'm tall and midblond , while Morgana was small with dark hair.
Also I'm not a jealous person, seems like she was one.

And still I love her name...
greek last name????? cool :)

Yep, my last name is quite unique here, cause only my family wears this name in the whole France :grin:

Anyway it cames from my grandfather (side of my father), who left Greece for France when he was young.
So i'm... quarter greek or something ;)

And no, i do not have relatives in Geece (or i do not know them)
:( but i have been there many times :)

Originally posted by YMIR
Ymir is a colossus in the Nordic mythology. He is killed by Odin and his brothers and then they make the earth out of him.

Know what? Ymir is also (or is) the named used for the great glacier that covered Europe in the last ice age, and which gave birth to the nordic tribes (the six sons - think it was six).

My nick.... I've realized that a tusse is exactly what I am... Because of my way of regrding life, the world - everything. I feel close to nature. Must be some old blood finding it's back way to life... -And I live i the mountains, so therefore I'm a fjelltusse :)
Fjelltussa@: Cool! In my book about Nordic Mythology he is called ice colossus (if I translate is good so). That is why the great glacier is called so, I think :) btw your nickname is cool!
This is the story to my nickname, please read it:

For these peculiar institutions, that are so well-known to man. When your heart is made of stone, are quite hard to understand. It was the year of 1990, and the Berlin Wall was down. And a thousand years regretted, now laid burried in the ground. And the prophets read the future, and the omens all seemed kind. In the classic words of Dickens, it surely was, the best of times.
A wind came across Europe that would twist and turn our fate. For as well as bringing freedom, it had let loose men of hate. Now these men were few in number, and the people threw them out. But int he mind of each man's neighbor, they had planted seeds of doubt.
In every book of history, it is written how it's done. If you want to change the world, you need only change the young. And Serdjan Aleksic stared deeply through the night. But your vision's not the same when you're staring through a sight. And a rifle's not enough when you don't wish others well. So he angled out his mortar, and he dropped in his first shell.
In the world of death and muder, they're those who do the deed. But waiting in the shadows, are the men who sowed the seeds. They make their thirty pieces, selling guns to all who pay. And when bullets pierce the flesh, they are safely far away. And back in Sarajevo, a girl stood inside a room. Listening to men called merchants offer guns to forestall doom. They said they came to help when the Muslim plight they heard. But what they somehow failed to mention, was they said the same things to the Serbs.
An old mad had toured the earth, playing cello for the learned. Of a thousand foreign cities, only now he had returned to the city he had once left, to the place where he was raised. In the house where he was born in, at the fires he now gazed.
Then he climbed atop the rubble of the fountain in the square. And he took his cello out in the cold November air. And as the twilight started setting on the remnants of this day, as the shells began to fall, the old man began to play. And in the darkness of that night, each on their own respective sides, the Muslim and the Serb would watch their country's suicide. But now inside each evening, they had found a moments calm. When they'd hear the thoughts of Mozart, as they filtered through the bombs.
And who will love the incest child of ignorance and hatred? Who though she's standing in the rain, no tear has penetrated. For while the banter about their words, you must be careful where you tread. For no matter what they promise, rumor is that dead is dead.
And when he came upon the schoolyard, their were bodies on the floor. Every war must have its bodies, but this my friends was so much more. For the mind gets used to bodies, whether singly or in piles. But it cuts the mind more deeply, when the bpdy is a child's.
Now, though the old are often forgotten, they tend not to forget. And the old man came each night, and played his soul's regret. But this night the sound cut deeper as if the soul itself would leave. For snow covered the ground, and the night was Christmas Eve.
When the shells had ceased their falling, the young Muslim and the Serb, listened for the old man's music but now not a note was heard. And fearing what had happened, each did what should not be dared. And made their way through no man's land to the old medieval square. They arrived at the same moment in the cold December air. But neither pulled a weapon, for each knew why they were there. And they walked over to the fountain, and found him laying their in death. There was blood upon his face, the smashed cello on his chest. But then a single drop of liquid fell from out of the cloudless sky. And it fell upon the cheek of the man who had just died. And the soldier felt a shudder, for the worst had come he feared. When the only sign of pity, was a gargoyle's tear. He turned to the young woman, and he said let's leave this war. But a soldier and his uniform was all she saw.
Then they left the square together, 'neath the fading fire's light. And the gargoyle watched and wondered on that winter's silent night. And so our story's over, and for anyone who cares... As for the old gargoyle, I believe that he's still there.
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Fjelltussa: Jusging from my atlas, you live less than 400 km from Jotunheim :eek: :eek: Hehehee, that's some cool name for mountains ;)

Hehe, yes? Well, you know what? That is Jotunheimen!! The one and only Jotunheimen!! That's where jotnene lived. (From about 10 000 -13 000 years ago, and until somewhen between year 200 - 500.) That is true, you know! It's not as mystical as it may seem; it's 100% facts :)